Want to become a bestselling author in the next 90 days?


Want to sell books online and become a bestseller? Check this out! Would you like to become an Amazon bestselling author?

If so… I don’t blame you.

Having a popular book on Amazon means:

  • You can bring in major traffic on demand – Amazon is the #6 website in the world (#3 in the USA) and has a lot of buyers to send your way…
  • You get to increase your credibility and be seen as an expert in your field…
  • You can use your “bestselling author” badge on cover photos, blogs, business cards, and in speeches, giving you a real edge in the marketplace

But an unpopular book on Kindle… definitely not as awesome.

There are over 11 million books on Amazon – and 98% of them barely get seen.

For most people, having a bestselling book seems like a matter of “luck”.

With the books you’re “lucky” on, the ones that “magically” become a bestseller… they bring in reader after reader. You get to enjoy watching tons of people downloading your book, signing up for your email list, and getting more sales

But the “non-lucky” ones? They sit there and do absolutely nothing. Nada.


The process is very frustrating for a lot of people. Me, I’ve always liked a challenge, so I tested and tested until I learned how to create bestsellers on demand. Because the thing is…

When you know how to crack the code, becoming a bestselling author brings you SO many benefits.

Here are just some of the benefits that becoming a bestselling author will bring you:

  • You end up selling MORE books. Once you hit “bestseller” status, Amazon will kick in to help you even more. They’ll feature you on “Hot New Releases”, give you great badges, and post you at the top of their lists.
  • You increase your credibility. A bestseller campaign helps you get seen amongst your peers and competition.
  • Raise your speaking fees. Once you have “bestseller” status you can raise your fees – or get fees in the first place. You’ll also start appearing amongst higher profile speakers which can boost your profile even more.
  • Raise your prices. As a bestseller, you’re looked as even more of an authority. People who are the best in their field can command higher prices, and a bestselling book helps show that you know your stuff.
  • Fill events more easily. One of the best benefits of becoming a bestseller is that you get in front of all kinds of new people. If you can get lots of people to buy your book, you’ve cast a wider net and have more of a chance to get those people to come to your event.
  • Become an instant authority. The great thing about Kindle is that there’s an equal playing field. If you know how to become a bestseller, you can instantly be listed alongside NY Times bestselling authors and major names in your field. That boosts your credentials, fast.
  • Go international. When you list your book on Amazon, you can publish your book in many countries. If your book does well, there’s porential that people from other countries will reach out about publishing your books and giving you royalties. It’s happened to me and many people that I know.
  • Create joint venture partnerships. Having a popular book on Kindle gets you in front of other authors AND gives you an edge to stand out to other potential partners.
  • Build your opt-in list. Truth be told, I don’t look at Amazon as an incredible revenue generator from book sales. But what it is EXCEPTIONAL for is getting buyers to sign up for your list, where you can build relationships and sell them other offers. You can generate gigantic mailing lists from this alone.
  • Get in front of all kinds of people you ordinarily wouldn’t. Amazon has hundreds of millions of buyers in their database. When they feature your book, you’re getting in front of an entirely new database that is pretty much impossible for you to replicate. If you’re in an industry where buyers seem to get recycled from affiliate to affiliate, having a bestseller will give you a major cutting edge.

That’s why I personally spent YEARS working on figuring out how to become a consistent bestseller. I’m at the point now where I’ve been able to create a formula to get every single book I work with on the Amazon bestseller list. In fact……

I Have a 100% Success Rate – Making Hundreds Of People Bestsellers.

And as you scroll down, you’ll see plenty of proof to back that up.

I am thoroughly convinced that my formula = GOLD.

Here are real results:


Rachel1 Bestsellers


I’m really proud of this because it’s helped me make a tangible difference for many people.

Note I said bestSELLER – not “best free downloads”. :)

I’ve seen a lot of people who brag about generating “bestsellers” on demand, even going so far as to charge thousands of dollars for their services.

When you look further, you see that they’re actually putting your book in the FREE store – and getting subpar results at that. A book is not a bestSELLER if it’s in the free store – it’s a “best DOWNLOADS”.

(To make matters worse, I see the people who sell these services posting in random Facebook groups, asking random people to download the books for them. This isn’t helping anybody except the person making money.)

I always feel bad for people who buy into those kinds of services. When they go to leverage their bestseller status, people are secretly laughing at them. They’re not bestsellers – they didn’t sell even one book!

Creating a bestseller comes down to 3 things:

Assuming you have a great book, creating a book that gets thousands of downloads on Amazon comes down to these 3 things:

1. You need the right cover.

We’ve all heard “don’t judge a book by its cover” – but you and I know that people still do it. I’ve tested hundreds of covers at this point and know that some covers simply will not get purchases or downloads – period.

The covers that tend to convert to the most sales are covers with a single image, with light text on a dark background or dark text on a light background, and a very easily readable font.

2. You need to make sure you describe your book well.

When you publish your book on Amazon you’ll have to fill out some information before your book gets listed.

Your book description needs to be enticing and you need to choose the right ultra-targeted categories so your target market can find you.

3. You need to start the snowball.

When you launch your book, you need to make sure you have some plans in place. You can’t just list a book – even with a great cover – and sit back and watch sales come.

It’s ideal if you have a few people set to download your book and hopefully leave you reviews to get momentum going.

Of course there are all kinds of “bells and whistles” you can add on to that, like getting to the top of Amazon’s search engine, but we’ll keep it simple as possible for now.

Once you master all of that, you need a strong plan to get your book readers to sign up for your email list.

If this overwhelms you, please don’t worry. I’ve been using Kindle since 2010 and have had a TON of experience with this. I’ve created courses teaching Kindle and have thousands of students around the world. It’s not like I learned this all in one day.

I’m also happy to do the heavy lifting for you.

I will make you a bestselling author on Amazon – easily.

As I shared, I’ve been creating bestselling authors on Amazon for many years now.

Here are some of the results my books have gotten:

Want to be a bestselling author? This is how.#1 across 3 categories…

Bestseller2#1 best-seller for Thorns To Be Thankful For…


Bestseller3Another #1 bestseller For SkillShare…


Want to be a bestselling author? This is how.Another #1 for Inside Greatness…

Once you make it to bestseller, Amazon can give you a lot more exposure:

I’ve been very fortunate to have Amazon promote my books several times. The bestselling book is the first part of the snowball, then it moves on to all kinds of other opportunities.

Many of my books get added onto Hot New Releases:

Want to be a bestselling author? This is how.Inside Greatness was featured as the #1 book…

Want to get onto hot new releases? I can do that for you.Getting Through The Muck was featured as a #2 book…

Amazon has emailed customers about the books I help create:

Amazon1A friend got an email from Amazon about my book…


A Facebook message I got from a gal I went to high school with…

As you can see, I definitely know my stuff when it comes to getting you exposure on Amazon.

And if you’d like my support with that, I’d love to invite you to participate in my program:

Introducing: Become A Bestseller –
A Done For You Bestseller Program

Become A Bestseller is a program I’ve created to help finally get your name in front of lots of new people.

The way it works is very simple:

1. You submit 2 or more pages of writing to me along with links to your website(s) so that new customers can come find you.

2. I have it professionally proofread for you

3. I get my favorite cover designer to make an amazing cover for your book.

4. I post the book on Amazon, doing all of my description “magic” – getting you into the right categories, writing the best description, etc…

5. You become an Amazon bestseller.

The reason you’ll only need to submit 2 pages (or as many as you want) is because you’ll be part of a collaboration book. You’ll be co-authoring each book with 20 people.

For each round, we have 2 types of books that you can participate in. The first option is for a professional book, where you write a few pages teaching people something about what you do. This is meant to hopefully generate more clients for you. The second option is an inspiration book about overcoming adversity in life. You can share either life stories, or specific instances where you overcame a lot and persevered, and it’s meant to build rapport and inspire people.

You can start telling people you’re a bestseller very quickly.

After your book goes live, your name will be on the Amazon author page. You’ll be able to tell people you’re a bestselling author (more likely a #1 bestselling author) and point them right over to your book.

And since 20 other people will be doing this, you’ll have 20x the chance to get in front of new customers.

Here’s what past clients said when they participated in this:


She posted about this like 5 times that day…

bestseller3Yes – he WAS a #1 bestselling author…



Doing what I can to help people wean off caffeine everywhere ;)



She participated in 2 books and became a multiple #1 bestselling author…

Every Quarter After, I’ll Work To Get You Thousands More Downloads.


#65… this one got 6,364 downloads in 5 days…


#83… this one got 5000+ downloads in 5 days

“What’s My Investment To
Become A Bestseller?”

Bottom line: You’re getting a deal…

I’m not trying to be hype-y, but an investment in a program like this could cost an arm and a leg. I’ve spoken at events where their main offer was to sell co-author spots at $10k a pop.

People were happy to pay for it. They knew that getting the right exposure can bring you thousands of eager buyers onto your mailing list.

I just did a google search and found another co-author program that costs $4k or $5,500 depending on which option you can get.

And that’s just the money side of it.

There are other elements that could cost you MONTHS of trial and error – getting the right proofreader, cover designer, picking the right categories, and so forth.

Now, I’m not going to make you fill out some lame consultation form so we can have an “exploration session” where I can sell you on doing this.

I appreciate directness and will be totally direct with you too.

Each book that you want to participate in is a one-time $499 fee. That’s it.

You pay the investment and you’ll become an Amazon bestseller. Done deal.

“Why Is This So Inexpensive?”

Like I said, creating these Amazon bestselling books is very easy for me.

I’ve already got an all-star team of cover designers, proofreaders, a project manager and an awesome formatting tool.

And the biggest thing for me is that I like to provide services for people at a good value. I know there’s the whole argument about people valuing what they pay more for and yada yada, but that doesn’t feel good to me. I’d rather provide great products and services at amazing rates and making people very happy.

If you wanted to create a bestseller program yourself, you’d have to:

– Write a long enough book to post on Kindle (with my service, you only need 2 pages worth)

– Hire a proofreader (many would be $200 or more…)

– Hire a cover designer (could be hundreds of dollars….)

– Hire someone to optimize your description on Amazon (someone just told me he’s charging $797 a pop for this!)

– Figure out how to start a “snowball” and make sure that people even SEE your book!

The catch is there are only 20 spots available.

This offer is good until 20 spots are sold or through July 1st, 2015, whichever comes first.

When I’ve done this in the past, hundreds of people signed up per book and it became an organizational nightmare. As you saw in the screenshots people were still overjoyed with the results, but I’d still rather sacrifice some money and get you an incredible result, fast.

That’s why this offer is limited to 20 spots per book. This way you’ll get high quality and a fast turnaround.

I want you to say, “Wow! I’m a bestseller already!”

Here’s what to expect after you order:

As soon as you order, you’ll get immediate directions on how to submit chapters for your book.

You’ll be expected to submit 2 (or more, your choice) original pages to me by July 15th, 2015. It’s very simple, and if you get focused, you can turn in your assignment in ONE HOUR.

Everything you submit will be proofread, so don’t worry about turning in a literary masterpiece. Readers just need to get a good feel for who you are and where they can sign up for your email list or buy your offerings.

After you submit your pages, they go to a proofreader. You’ll get a proofread version of your pages back that you’ll be expected to look over within a week. If you have any edits, just let us know. Most people don’t.

There will be up to 20 people who sign up for each bestselling book. I don’t desire to split payments 20+ ways, nor do I anticipate our book being a huge money maker (it’s more for coverage and lead generation). I will also be paying thousands of dollars to get the editing/marketing done. So with all that said, there will not be a profit share for book sales. Your revenue will come from the contact information you put in the book and also your leverage of your “bestselling author” status.

I also want to be very clear: bestselling books usually do very well for a while, then they fall off. Every quarter I will work to get you another few thousand downloads, so there are spikes, but it’s not constant sustainable traffic. In deciding to purchase this, I’d ask yourself what the ROI is of being able to say you’re a bestselling author is, #1, and then treating all additional traffic as gravy.

There are no refunds. Because we limit each group to only 20 people, you’ll be taking somebody’s spot whether or not you take the time to submit your work. The good news is you only need to submit 2 pages at the bare minimum, so there’s very little work needing to be done on your end. I am also paying hard costs for proofreading, cover design, project management, and so forth.

Of course, if the book doesn’t get to bestseller you’d also get a refund, but there’s virtually no chance of that happening.

Here’s what you need to do now:

The next step is very simple.

Simply go through the payment system below and you’ll get immediate instructions on how to get started. You’ll also be able to ask any questions from me that you need to make sure you get the most benefit possible from taking advantage of this.

Simply click on the “ADD TO CART” button below and I’ll see you on the other side, future bestseller!

With love,
Rachel Rofe

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