September 25 – Mark It Down…

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I was just going over my goals again, and realized I knocked out a lot of the things I wanted to achieve by September 25 – my 26th birthday.

(Lots of amazing Internet Marketers with my birthday actually – Gregg Gillies Bill Glazer, Feldo Nartapura (He isn’t known yet, but he will be! Met him at my Toastmaster’s, he asked me for a few tips, and he’s going full-speed-ahead! VERY impressive!), Yanik Silver, and Chris Vendilli.

And when I was at Laguna Beach last year on that random trip… that entrepreneur dude had my birthday, too.)Anyway, I digress – the goals – I’m ECSTATIC that they’re coming to fruition. I’m also really looking forward to everything else I’m going to make happen this year (not by my birthday, but this year):

I’ve decided (after 2.5 years!) that I’m finally ready for a serious relationship. I’m actually really looking forward to it. :)I’m also looking forward to doing a lot of huge things with my favorite charity – more on that soon. =)

My book is going to be a NY Times bestseller this year… I’ll be getting my NLP practitioner’s license (not for mind control – just because I think psychology is fascinating)…  and I can’t wait to just travel, travel, travel.Materially, I want an Aston Martin made into a convertible, a “green” mansion in California – something like this one (this is the only “dream house” I’ve found, and I’ve looked a LOT), and an American Express Centurion card.

Hrmm… I think when I get home, I’m going to type up all my goals for my blog. Seems like the right thing to do. =)

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0 thoughts on “September 25 – Mark It Down…”

  1. Hi Rachel,

    Just looking for the “you suck” post… I know, I know. gee Yoon way to come back to a blog to find out what all the controversy is about…

    I googled “Rachel Rofe Sucks” but alas it just showed your Tweet…

    btw Rachel I don’t think you suck… I mean your videos, yeah, they do kind’a… just kidding! ; P

    God Bless kid,

    P.S. Have you met Bill Glazer in person? I sat right next to him a # of years back it was SO cool!

  2. hahah – I think YOU need a blog, pronto. I love the way you write!

    Glad you “approve” now though. =)

    And no worries on cutting down what I had to say, I’m excited we had 4 speakers AND got out on time! ;)

  3. Ok, ok! You update your blog rather more frequently than I expected. I could have inferred that from the listed dates, but rather I thought I’d just check back now and again. Well, I have and shall have to upgrade my reading status as per our conversation this evening, even if it was temporally constrained. (Great job on the TM, btw — pity all the early jibba jabba meant you had to cut down what you planned to say.)

  4. Grrr, he is? That’s the only one I hadn’t firsthand confirmed. Oh well. :)

    That’s awesome about 925! I’ll have to make it there one year when I’m not traveling. There’s lots of really cool people with our bday! :)

    I wonder how similar we all are, and if there’s any merit to that stuff. Food for thought I guess. =)

  5. Rachel,
    Actually Glazer is Sept 24th – but that’s ok. I am the 25th – it’s cool to share the date with you. Supposedly there is some club/restaurant in NYC called “925” that Michael Douglas, Catherine Zeta-Jones, Barbara Walters, Heather Locklear, etc go to on their bday (also 9/25 obviously) :)

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