Raw Food – Day 1

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So I’ve been thinking of altering my eating habits for a while now. Yes, I have an awesome weight release site at yayFOOD and I 100% stand behind everything it talks about. It does help people release weight, and it does it in a way in which they can slowly become more and more healthy.

Thing is, if I told yayFOOD customers to go raw right away – or even organic, for that matter – it wouldn’t sit right with the great majority of them and they wouldn’t do it. It’s my opinion that it’s much, MUCH better for me to show people how to release the weight with foods they love (and don’t feel as if they’re neglecting themselves with) – and then tweak afterwards.

Now That That’s Out Of The Way…

I’ve decided to try a 30 day raw food challenge. I’d been thinking about altering my eating habits for a while, so I figured I might as well jump into the healthiest way of eating possible.

At first I was going to get a raw food related domain name for my blogging, or a spiritual related one (because I know this’ll help me advance spiritually by leaps and bounds), but then decided it best fits right here.

I don’t know what most people think of this blog – if they see it as Internet Marketing, or ramblings in my life, or whatever… but I like to think of it as whatever happens to be in my head at the time, and so I’ll keep it that way.

So I started eating raw today. And…

I Screwed Up Right Away!

I hadn’t gone shopping yet, so I ate a ton of raw almonds in the morning. You’re supposed to eat only 10% worth of fat for the day, so I’ll be a bit over – but at least they’re still raw, which is what I was primarily concerned with.I went out and bought a bunch of ingredients, too. It was really interesting because yesterday I considered going raw but decided I’d slowly make the change. I went to a neighborhood that has a raw food restaurant, but walked for 4 hours and couldn’t find it anywhere.I woke up today and was 100% committed to going in full-speed-ahead… none of that “slow” crap… and the day went completely different. I got the random feeling to get off at a bus stop in Ipanema (town before the one I wanted to go to) and ended up finding the “Ipanema Hippie Fair”. It was awesome! I got a really cool ring and met an awesome dude from Portugal.

When I got back on the bus to head to the town I was supposed to go to, again, I got the random feeling to get off somewhere in the neighborhood I was at. I walked half a block from where I got off, and the raw food restaurant was there.

From There, I Got Mixed Results…

Turns out the restaurant I went to was pretty rad. I mostly went there because I heard they sold ingredients and I wanted stuff for my own smoothies. There’s a lot of stuff they don’t have in Brazil – hempseed, a lot of the fruits in the recipes in The Best Day Ever, agave, sprouted grain bread, spirulina, or lemons.There are also some interesting tweaks – for example you can buy cacoa nibs, but you need to bite them open and suck out the cacoa.The owner of the raw food place was REALLY cool. She gave me so much information and I’ll definitely be able to make do with what I was able to buy from there and the market. Produce in Brazil is ridiculously cheap too – I got 2 mangos for $.90!

I’m not too sure about the cacoa bars and the “junk food” type things that I found. One of the guys in my mastermind, Tom, mentioned that people from the raw food forum HE frequents – HowToGoRaw.com says that people there scoff at the typical “high fat raw food diet”. I know Steve Pavlina did the high fat thing before and didn’t like it, and did much better eating solely fruits and veggies. I guess I’ll play with it and see.

As Far As My Progress…

The main reasons I want to do this are…

*Because I love myself, and I should treat my body accordingly. It’s almost evil to be putting downright poison in myself on a daily basis. The more I read about what actually goes into our food, the more disgusted I get.I know I’ll have a detox period where I hate the world for a week or two, but I’m considering it “tough love”.

*Improved energy

*Greater spiritual development. It’s a lot easier to connect when you don’t have crap clogging up your body.

I’m not really doing this for weight loss (though I wouldn’t complain). I don’t have a scale here to see how my weight fluctuates anyway, so it’s a moot point. I can certainly post my measurements if people care since I record them anyway (my genetics make it far too easy for me to gain weight).

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0 thoughts on “Raw Food – Day 1”

  1. Raw Food wears few faces as well ;-)
    I always believed that Raw Food is not just ‘not-cooked’, enzyme rich foods, but the main focus needs to be on raw food NUTRITION.
    Lot’s of people are lost on raw and lot’s of people do it for different reasons.
    I started after doing 8days water fast, being vegetarian for most of my life and vegan since few years. ‘RAW’ was my next step.
    But i got lost as well..in a marketing of cacao and all the superfoods that we find attractive at the beginning, because they are NEW to us.
    It is always good to accumulate a lot of knowledge, try few things and experiment on yourself.
    Even raw foodist are lost between advice of ‘gurus’.
    But-every time I hear hat somebody is going to try raw, I am all excited for her/him!
    I am than very happy for you, Rachel!
    It would be wonderful to have you on my site http://rawfoodtip.com

  2. Get a VITAMIX! Best investment ever!

    I wish I had the course you write the copy for to send to you…

    I think you’ll really enjoy the diet.

    *Idea* = document it – profit from it. I’ll help launch it for you since I got some connections in the raw industry.

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