How to rate, review, and subscribe to A Better Life.

Thanks for making your way over here!

Rating, reviewing, and subscribing to A Better Life is very easy.

—> If you’re on a desktop computer, click here for instructions.

—> If you’re on a smartphone or tablet, click here for instructions.

These are the 10 simple steps to take if you’re on a desktop computer:

1. Click on this link: A Better Life on iTunes.

2. Once you get there, click on “View In iTunes”:












3. Hover over to iTunes and hit “OK” (or, if you don’t have iTunes, you will be prompted to download it):










4. Click on “Subscribe”:









5. Hit “Subscribe” again:






6. Click on “Ratings And Reviews”:





7. Choose a rating for A Better Life (if you like it, please give us 5 stars!):






8. Click “write a review”:








9. Fill out your honest review, TAKE A SCREENSHOT, then hit “Submit”:

Review And Submit








10. Email your screenshot to rachelreports and collect your bonus (will be delivered within 12 hours max).

These are the 7 simple steps to take if you’re on a smart phone or tablet:

1. Click on this link: A Better Life on iTunes.

That should automatically direct you to A Better Life.

2. Click “subscribe”:










3. Click “Reviews”:










4. Click “Write A Review”:













5. Enter Your iTunes info:










6. Click a rating (please leave 5 stars if you like it), leave an honest review, TAKE A SCREENSHOT, then hit “Send”:












7. Email your screenshot to rachelreports and collect your bonus (will be delivered within 12 hours max).


With love,



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