How to plan for a great 2015 (blueprint included)

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How to plan for a great 2015 (blueprint included).

Podcast Overview:

Do you feel unclear on what you want to create in 2015? This episode will help you identify the best goals for yourself. First we review your 2014, then ask some important questions about your present, then move into exactly how to shape out your year. If you go through this eye-opening process, you will definitely learn a lot.

Questions To Ask Yourself

Feel free to either use the questions I post below, or download the worksheet I put them into.


Bonus worksheets: Click here to get the PDF (and doc) version of all these questions.

Reviewing 2014

Reviewing 2014 is an important part of planning for 2015. I know we’re all ready to rush ahead, but it’s important to process and learn from the past. History has a lot to teach us.

Answer these questions:

What were some of the biggest lessons I learned in 2014?

What am I most proud of from 2014?

What were some areas that felt extremely on point and easy in 2014? Why was this the case?

What were some things that drove me crazy or just didn’t work? How could they be changed?

What was my gross profit last year? Expenses? Net profit?

Which of my activities provided the most returns? List the top 5. (This will probably be monetary returns, but could be traffic related if you’re not making money yet.)

In looking at my expenses, were there things that could be cut?

What pet projects could I have cut out?

Understanding The Present

Next year will not miraculously overhaul. Identifying where you are now and building upon it will be crucial.

Ask yourself these questions:

How do I fill my 24 hours?

List out all the places where your time goes – including unavoidable but unscheduled things like driving, cleaning, time with significant other and family, cooking, etc. Also include business tasks – copywriting, emails, etc. Break it down into an average since you don’t do everything every day.

Am I spending my business time on the projects that bring in the most revenue?

What can I stop doing to make room for the new goals coming up?

Planning For 2015

Here’s where we get to the fun stuff.

What is my personal mission?

How do I want to feel? (This might not always be the case, but it’s nice to have a baseline of desired feelings. Choose 3-5.)

What would I like to let go of this year? (This might be limiting beliefs, old stories, projects…. Anything not serving you.)

What is my word of the year?

What are my income goals?

What do I need to make this income goal happen?

What are 2-5 big SMART (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and Timely), goals I’d like to take on this year?

Why are these goals important to me?

Do they make sense according to what worked well last year? (This is where it might be helpful to get feedback from others.)

When you’ve decided on your big 2-5 goals, plot them in the calendar.

How will I make it inevitable that these things happen? I recommend breaking down your goals even further and putting those into the calendar, too. For more information on how to do this, check out my book at // – it’s a $2.99 Kindle book that explains exactly how to do this.

How many vacations/days off would I like to take this year? Plot those in your calendar too.

This should give you an excellent baseline on your 2015 goals.

After you “shop” your goals to coaches, mastermind partners or mentors and get a final OK, I highly recommend that you take the time to break your goals down into smaller steps.

Break the goals down, get them in your calendar, and start reaping some major rewards!

Bonus worksheets: Click here to get the PDF (and doc) version of all these questions so you can print them or type right inside the document.

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BONUS! Find this helpful? To download this post as a PDF, click here!

0 thoughts on “How to plan for a great 2015 (blueprint included)”

  1. Thank you for this wonderful road map to success, Rachel. Being truly virtual, I feel that organizational and time management skills are even more important to be successful. I would like to let you know how much it has helped me stay on track . . Perhaps I will let you know at this time next year!

    Best Wishes to You in 2015! Brian K. Wood, Virtual Financial Group

    1. Thank you so much for your kind words, Brian! I totally agree re: time management skills being essential. I am looking forward to your update next year. :)

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