I was interviewed by Hal Elrod!

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Hal is one of my business heroes, so this was a huge honor.

If you don’t know Hal, he has an incredible book called The Miracle Morning. It is a FABULOUS book that has over 700 reviews on Amazon. He also has an incredibly popular podcast, is a keynote speaker, and all around legend.

I interviewed him a few months back for my podcast. That interview is right here.

I was so honored when he invited me onto HIS show, which gets about 40k listens per episode! You can find the interview right here:


How to feel your way to success | Hal Elrod and Rachel RofeSo exciting!


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0 thoughts on “I was interviewed by Hal Elrod!”

  1. Oh my gosh! Rachel Rofe, Hal has to scoot over cause you now have a second professional crush! (Although I’m sure there’s plenty more!) I found you by accident listening to the podcast because I follow Hal Elrod and participate in The Miracle Morning. Your story was so inspiring. I’ve been searching for my purpose since mid January.I have an amazing family and they have been my driving purpose. But as I continue to grow, so does my purpose. To hear the way that you have been able to give back inspired me to do so much more in my life. I am blessed in my own American right and can do amazing things. Thank you for the motivation to start my day! And thank you for being authentic!

    1. Melissa! Hahaha, you made me smile with your first line. Thank you for that. :)

      I LOVE! The Miracle Morning and I’m glad you found it too.

      And from my perspective, you already ARE doing amazing things. Just by taking the time to leave a comment, you’ve made *my* day better, and I know your family is very grateful for you – and that’s just from 6 lines worth of text! ;)

      Please stay in touch and let me know what else you end up getting into. I love your vibe! *hugs*

  2. I have gained so much from your podcast with Hal, it has truly been a blessing for me and put me right where I need to be for goals in alignment with my completing my future achievements! Thanks so much and you do everything you need to do to put yourself in the best position possible to keep making great strides and making your dreams come true! <3

    ~ Nicholas McKimmy

  3. Rachael! So inspiring. Thanks so much for this episode. You ignited so many actionable ideas for really thinking out of the box when it comes to business and life. I’m so impressed by all that you do and your immense kindness for giving to others.

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