How To Change Your Life In 20 Minutes…

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I recently came across this article.

The premise of it, basically, is to take 20 minutes (clear of all distractions) and write down 100 things you think would make you happy. If you’re feeling stuck, this list could help you snap out of it a little bit.

The article asserted that at some point 10 or 15 minutes in, you start just getting out of your head and write things down as they come up… even if they don’t make sense.

The idea isn’t to make a crazy to-do list of things you’ll never do, but to break away from your standard thoughts and open yourself up to all kinds of possibilities.

(As a side note, I read another article – “Why We Lie About What We Really Want” – which ties in nicely to this.)

So with that said, I set a timer and went for 20 minutes.

Turns out I only got 65. I am about to take a train into NYC, so I’ll just end it here. :)

1. Travel to Italy.

2. Get a villa with friends in Italy.

3. Have a shared space in NYC and other places throughout the world with some of my favorite soul sisters.

4. Fall deeply in love.

5. Find “The One”.

6. Know what it feels like to worship a man and be worshipped.

7. Skinny dip.

8. Speak in front of 10,000 people.

9. Write a NY Times bestseller.

10. Practice the “Motherfucker” stance with no reservations. (Will explain another time!)

11. Buy a home in a location I love.

12. Befriend Marie Forleo and Danielle LaPorte.

13. Lose all fear of criticism.

14. Journal daily.

15. Learn dream interpretation.

16. Go on a 10 day meditation retreat.

17. Go to a gala.

18. Feel like I’ve directly impacted millions of people in an extremely positive way.

19. Realize that there is no “positive” or “negative” – it all just is.

20. Sing karaoke.

21. Have homes on both coasts and probably elsewhere throughout the world.

22. Finish up my Spanish learning.

23. Learn French.

24. Tell someone I don’t know well that I don’t feel like talking and not feel bad about it.

25. Be a cover on a popular magazine.

26. Write and compose songs.

27. Give those songs freely to people so that they’re positively (for lack of a better word) impacted.

28. Optimize for aliveness – not happiness.

29. Go to Thailand.

30. Go to Hawaii.

31. End something I can’t make public yet.

32. Learn to cook amazing Paleo meals.

33. Love exercise and happily do it daily.

34. Learn how to express my messages clearly, concisely, and incredibly impactfully in the spoken word.

35. Spend at least 90% of my time with self-loving feelings versus being hard on myself.

36. Spend way more time having engaging and great conversations and experiences with people (versus online).

37. Erase my email account – or only check once a week.

38. Systemize everything again so I can not touch a computer for months and still make money.

39. Go a month without a phone.

40. Have a million dollars in my bank account (or in easily take-able investments).

41. Have a booth in my kitchen.

42. Be able to do a split.

43. Take dance classes (hip hop and/or belly dance and/or whatever else I feel like).

44. Design some of my own clothing and have it made for me.

45. Get rings I love for all 9 fingers.

46. Have a garden full of amazing, organic foods.

47. Cut out all sugar.

48. Go to Spain.

49. Go to Morocco.

50. Go to Africa.

51. Go back to Israel.

52. Not be allergic to gluten.

53. Have huge amounts of energy.

54. On a daily basis, make at least 10 peoples’ day better.

55.  Confidently give feedback and not worry about how I’m judged for it.

56. Act systematically outrageous.

57. Help a homeless person change their life around.

58. Tell people how I really feel, unabashedly.

59. Get better at identifying how I really feel.

60. Feel grounded wherever I am.

61. Enjoy business talk a little more.

62. Or find something to do full time that allows me the same free lifestyle that I really love.

63. Get on Oprah.

64. Always fly first class or on a jet.

65. Go on a private jet ride.

I didn’t expect mine to look like this, but I guess it’s where I am in life right now. I suspect if I do this again in 3 months, it’d look a lot different.

If you’re open to sharing yours, I’d love to see!

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0 thoughts on “How To Change Your Life In 20 Minutes…”

  1. Helena Summer Medena

    When you get to do your 30th, I will be welcoming you at the airport with a beautiful flower Lei.

  2. Helena Summer Medena

    When you get to do your 30th, I will be welcoming you at the airport with a beautiful flower Lei.

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