Five Dollar Posts: Thank you!

Thank you for purchasing Five Dollar Posts. :)

Here are all the transcriptions:


Introduction – Download right here.

Intro and Overview – Download right here.

Week 1:

Lesson 1 – Setting up your pixel & audiences –Download right here..

Lesson 2 – Custom and Lookalike Audiences – Download right here..

Lesson 3 – Finding your customer avatar, finding viral content ideas, and researching the competition – Download right here.

Lesson 4 – Effectively targeting relevant pages and interests – Download right here.

Week 1 – Live Training – Download right here.

Week 2:

Lesson 1 – Lead funnel & follow up – Download right here.

Lesson 2 – Increasing your average customer value – Download right here.

Lesson 3 – Your follow up process – Download right here.

Lesson 4 – Copywriting and funnel strategy – Download right here.

Lesson 5 – Retargeting ad – Download right here.

Week 2 – Live Training – Download right here.

Week 3:

Lesson 1 – Intro and PPE ads – Download right here.

Lesson 2 – PPE Ads Continued and Website Click Ads – Download right here.

Lesson 3 – Retargeting, Custom Audiences, Video Ads – Download right here.

Lesson 4 – Power Editor, Page Like Ads, Website Conversion Ads, Dark Post Ads – Download right here.

Week 3 -Live Training – Download right here.

Week 4:

Lesson 1 – Intro to testing, tracking, and analytics – Download right here.

Lesson 2 – The things you want to test – Download right here.

Lesson 3 – What to track and analyze – Download right here.

Lesson 4 – Tracking, testing, and analytics tools – Download right here.

Week 4 – Live Training – Download right here.

Week 5:

Lesson 1 – Scaling your ads overview and precautions – Download right here.

Lesson 2 – Duplicating ads to scale and creating broader look-a-like audiences – Download right here.

Lesson 3 – Scaling with broader targeting and Facebook conversion – Download right here.

Week 5 – Live Training – Download right here.

Alternatively, you can download everything at once right here.

Thanks again, and enjoy the course! It’s a good one. :)

With love,

P.S. If you want to hang out, here’s where I’ll be:







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