Wow – Got a sale on Instagram in 5 minutes! (Here’s how)

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how I got a sale on Instagram

rachel skee ballI hope things are great on your end. I just got back from a 5.5 mile bike ride along the beach with Don so I’m feeling peachy over here. :)

The picture to the left is from a couple days ago when Don and I went to the arcade. He unfortunately beat me at air hockey but I dominated at Skee Ball and basketball so the scales are in the right direction. ;)

On a work note, I’ve been busy prepping for a webinar. I forgot how much time those can be but they’re always worth it in the end.

The other day I took a break to procrastinate play with Instagram. I’d never gotten into Instagram because I’m not a phone person, but I saw a post over in Travis Petelle’s group about a computer-based tool so I decided to give it a whirl.

I made a sale in 5 minutes.

I told Don right away and he mocked me – “Ohh, another ‘low hanging sale” – but *I* think it’s pretty cool! :)

The tools I used were Instamate (warning if you buy: it’s upsell hell over there but the tool is great) andInstagress (though I used that more for followers).

Here’s a 2.5 minute video that goes over exactly what I did:

It’s pretty easy so the video is simple, but if you have any questions let me know. :)

P.S. I’m not trying to sell you on anything. Instagress doesn’t even have an affiliate link. :) I just thought the quick sale was awesome and wanted to show you how easy it was!

sale on Instagram

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