eCom Revolutions Bonus

Thank you for purchasing eCom Revolutions via my link.

Before I forget – Travis mentions his Like A Boss training a lot in his course. This is FREE, and a great primer for Facebook Ads. You can access it right here.

Here are your bonuses:

Watch Me Create A Box

If you’d like to be on the mailing list as I create my box, please sign up right here:


Transcripts – eCom Revolutions Transcripts (pdf file).


When you’re ready for your critique, shoot me an email at with any relevant information – your sales page, your concept, and anything else I should know.

Make sure to send this to me within 45 days of your purchase.

Unannounced Bonus: My Notes

Here were some of the notes I took for ER. Sometimes I re-write things I know because they’re good reminders:

Recurring – getting people to sign up for 3, 6, 12 months so it’s not a “t-shirt here, t-shirt there”

Helps you forecast ahead

Pulls in lots of leads

Go through niche research

Do we have an asset already?

What offers work well for a 3,6,9, or 12 month membership

3 best niches

Consumables (things people will use up like dollar shave club, crafts, DIY, bath bombs, school supplies)

Hobbiest/passion (like the cows. Nerd block is another great one. Club Grunt Style – They only sell t-shirts each month.)

Associated perks (wholesale discounts, reseller pricing, free shipping, some people sign up just to be able to use a service.)

BarkBox – combines hobby and consumable

Business plan

Company description

What is business all about?  (i.e. atmosphere of community, or giving people things they love)

What do you do?

What makes you different from the competition?

Searched “christian monthly subscription”

Market analysis

Who are you major competitors?

Could go into Audience Insights to find more options, then type in things like FaithBox. If none come up, try relevant magazines. magazine buyers = very targeted.

What are they doing right?

Who is your ideal buyer?

From the Audience Insights – Women 70% | Men 30%, 35-65+, 80% married.

Many ppl from his AI are administrative – he could target those specific people too.

Product Line

What type of products do you want in your box offer?

What products work well as lead generators?

What products fit on your buyer backend?

He’s thinking he would invest in a very custom product to get people through. Then sell on the back-end.

Marketing Plan

How will you generate new leads to your offer?

How will you utilize previous buyers?

How will you sustain momentum?

Are we going to grow for 6 months and sell, build to 1 million, keep going, etc?

*** Here is his marketing plan:

Free + ship jewelry to 6.95 shipping

Financial Projections

How much money will you need to make this profitable?

Include how much you may need to buy in advance. And how much can go to advertising, fulfillment, customer service, etc.

Where does that money go to?

How much revenue in do you project for the first 3, 6, 12 months?

Sales System

Overall look:

The sales system:

Recurring offer is the main product.

He has all the different things sending to recurring offer. Shopify store could have a banner, email lists, social media posts, etc. – so while he MOSTLY markets via email, he also has other things he does to mention that recurring offer.

Free + shipping funnel, niche prospect newsletter, social media, monthly giveaway, niche buyer’s list, Shopify store.

Social media sometimes goes to monthly giveaway, niche newsletter, Shopify. or free shipping funnel, which all go to recurring. Shopify sometimes goes to email and THEN recurring.

Buyer’s backend:

Sales system overall look:

First step of order form – might be something like, what size shirt? He does to get whatever info he needs. Personally I would rather get that AFTER.

He says spreadsheet OVER CrateJoy.

They are linking CrateJoy + ClickFunnels.

Shows he’s making his page, looking at the Dollar Shave Club page.

*** Has a store tacked onto the box offer, like Dollar Shave Club does, but membership is always unique.

Shopify – Recurring offer app

*** Fiverr – Short funny little sales video. Great idea to get a viral video.

Making money on the back-end

The picture:

After someone buys they go through a 5-7 day email sequence – what they signed up for, what to expect, maybe a one time offer to upgraded offer, or a “how to reach out to us” – want to be consistent

Travis sends out every 1-2 days when iron is hottest in the beginning

1 – Emails – 4 pair auto-responder

Welcome —Social Assets (tell them about your social media accounts so you can get in front of them many times) — Free Shipping Best Sellers (some things they can buy for free shipping) — Upgrade Membership

Each week = bestsellers of the week

2 – Referrals –

Have it set up so they get a % of anyone they bring in. On website and in members area too, but it in the backend, show them how to make money from the offer.

3 – Retargeting ads – Using custom audiences of the people who buy so we can advertise to people who already bought. Show them to any other offer that still fits, even if not box.

Shows you a bit about CrateJoy.

Advertising Your Subscription Box


Facebook Advertising – Like A Boss training – lots of information in there, so go there.

PPE to the fan page, to the fan club, to either the giveaway funnel or sales page, both to cow box.

Video ads, WC advertisements, etc.

***Packlane – where he designed his box

Picture of his FB ad –

He is editing his placements to try Facebook mobile news feed only at first.

When advertising he tries to get his list up to half million.

*** Cool way to get videos!! He searched for cow / cattle on Fiverr and found cool things – cool dude who does puppets, custom video with professor puppet, doctor recommended, cow dance that dances in front of your logo.

Packlane has the box spinning – makes a cool video.

Thumbnail of video has to have less than 20% text. He goes through thumbnails.

Can go in and create a custom audience. Travis picked “who watched more than 10 seconds” because at 5 seconds he has a popup and they continued watching.

Assets – Audience – Create a custom Audience – People who watched “x” of your video – 180 days – then name it.

Social Media Marketing

Social traffic assets picture:

Cow social media page:

Fan page – goes to shopify store, box offer, lead magnet funnels

Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter – go to Shopify and box offer

Cow Box Fan Page, Instagram, Twitter – Box offer and lead magnet funnels.

Social media consistencies picture:

Content – social (cute cows, funny jokes, etc), promotion (ex: asking people to join a fan club), lead get, content request (“submit a”), website content (like posting ppl to a how-to video), cross platform (tell them about instagram, pinterest, etc), outside content (content from other people – use this the least, but show things ppl like even if not theirs)

Interact with engaging fans – Need to this especially in beginning. Like comments, reply to questions, private message buyer interest (like if someone says “i have to have this”, they will message people and use a template like “hey, we saw you liked this LINK, heres a coupon code for 10% off!”

Replies to people who post on their wall + their messages – helps out a ton.

Influencers & Affiliates

Good influencers = consistent with content, active with community, loyal to audience.

Great influencers = audience is loyal, participates in marketing, specific is better than broad.

Ways influencers can participate – either just mention on their own, swap shout out (where you both share each others’ products), paid promotions where you pay them a flat fee, affiliate %.

Where to find influencers – Instagram, media (blogs, authority content + SEO), forums (banner ads can be great), magazines (higher cost but super targeted people).

Approaching influencers –

Do homework – what have they done recently? how can we say what we do makes sense with them

What do we want to put on table? Free mention, pay for promo? give aff details

Finding affiliates – Instamate helps you find them,

*** ShoutCart – Marketplace to find Instagram influencers. Uses it for more broad audiences.

CrateJoy – Marketplace listing.

I hope this helps!

With love,

P.S. Want to hang out on social media? Add me here:






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