Juice Fasting – Day 3

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Today has been the worst day by far.

I woke up feeling great. When I stood up, I was dizzy for a good 30 seconds before I could see anything again, but once that passed, I felt fine.

I had my green juice and then almost all of my liter of water with MSM and lemon (still drinking it now).

I also weighed myself because I knew I had a colonic today and I wanted to see what the weight difference would be between today and tomorrow. So far, I’ve released 3 pounds.

As far as the colonic – it was absolutely awful.

As I posted about earlier, colonics are very important because without a clean intestine, toxins can re-enter your bloodstream which is incredibly dangerous.

I felt very wary about going in and getting one done – anxious, a little disgusted, and nervous about how it would unfold.

It turns out the privacy part of it was nothing to fear at all.

I’ll go through the procedure – I know it can sound kind of gross, but I guess I don’t care. I’m in a weird, half-cranky half-muted to the world mood.

Anyway… when I went to the spa, they told me to undress from the waist down and put on a robe. After I did that, the procedure really wasn’t gross or weird at all. The practitioner inserted a tube in me and then I laid back on my back. The practitioner and I talked the whole time, so I didn’t have time to focus on anything “off”.

The reason that it was so awful, though, was that she had to pump me with water in order to soften my intestinal walls. Every time she did that, I felt intense pain. I pride myself on toughing things out, so I let her fill as long as possible… but it was really, really bad. I was closing my eyes, thinking of other things, trying to talk to her… but it just sucked.

I ended up pouring out a ton of toxins – a lot more than the average person does on their first try. The practitioner said this was likely because I was juicing for 3 days already.

The rubbish part about that, though, is that as the toxins come out, the body gets stirred up as toxins are moved around. I felt a massive wave of detox that left me feeling absolutely horrible.

I have my next appointment set up for Wednesday at 10am.

I haven’t been able to drink any juice since the colonic and even the thought of drinking water makes me nauseous – which means that I’ll probably only have the 16 oz of juice for today.

I took a nap once I got home but I still feel groggy. I’m planning on getting some more work done, watching a movie, and going to bed.


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