Pinterest Resources

Here are some resources for learning about Pinterest and how to make the most of it for your business:

Search my blog – Run a search through my blog posts for anything about Pinterest, and find some nifty tools and tips.

Pinterest group boards – A huge free list of Pinterest group boards, sorted by niche, which includes board names, URL, how to join, and more.

Pin it on Pinterest – a Facebook networking group to help support small craft businesses, and learn how Pinterest works for growing business.

Sorting tool for Pinterest – including sorting by repins (free trial). A lot of these kinds of tools work for awhile then stop working correctly as Pinterest changes its settings and algorithms; this one seems to stay on top of things pretty well but may not always work.

These are some free Pinterest courses we found online, I’m not familiar with them so can’t say if they’re good, and most likely they’re at the beginner level, but you might get some good information from them –

I recommend both of these paid Pinterest training courses for more in-depth information about using Pinterest –


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