May + June 2019 Brags

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I was delayed on writing May’s brags, so this month’s post is a combination of May and June.

As I say each time I write one of these – my “brag posts” are a nice way for me to pause and celebrate the wins in previous months.

In no particular order, here are some of my favorite wins:

1. This is a huge one: my mom doesn’t have aggressive cancer!

Back in April or May she was told she had Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. We had to wait a few weeks for her to to be scheduled to take a PAT scan to get more details, then it was another few weeks to get her results. And as you can imagine, we were very stressed while waiting.

When we finally got her results, we were told that her cancer is not aggressive at the moment (even though it’s technically “Stage 4” because she has the cancer above and below her diaphragm) and she does not need to undergo chemo, radiation, or anything else right now.

And while I wish she didn’t have cancer at all, I am SO GLAD she doesn’t need to have chemo yet. This is our chance to work on getting the cancer entirely out of her system before she needs to deal with anything major.

2. Being financially free was something I was especially grateful for in May.

In the same week both my mom and one of my best friends were diagnosed with cancer.

In my friend’s case, this was her second time getting cancer. The first time she got it I’d purchased a bunch of CBD for her that she said was very helpful, so I was able to get her more this time.

And when she said she wished she could see her long-distance boyfriend but couldn’t afford plane tickets, I was able to easily buy those too.

With my mom, since the medical system is garbage, she was waiting WAY TOO LONG to get any results back from her doctor. I signed her up with a concierge doctor who immediately took 1 3/4 hours with her to answer all her questions, gave her his personal cell phone number, then called in a favor to someone at Penn Medicine so that she could get everything done in a better/faster/higher quality way.

The big “win” here is that I am so grateful to have the money to be able to support the people I love when this earth-shattering type news happens.

3. There was a lot of “live life” in May and June.

We went to Los Angeles for a wedding at the end of May and then stayed for an extra week to enjoy Venice Beach.

We shared an AirBnB with friends for the beginning of our trip. We enjoyed the wedding, then the net day some of us charted a yacht and went on a tour around Malibu, Marina Del Rey, and so on. It was *amazing*.

Don and I stayed for an extra week in Venice to enjoy the L.A. vibes, as we love it there. We had a great time and I got to catch up with a good friend who lives in the area.

4. Another trip I took was to Denver, where I caught up with lots of good friends and had a fantastic, soul-fulfilling weekend.

I caught up with Jaime (one of my good friends), some of the amazing folks in Baby Bathwater (an entrepreneur group I’m in), and met new friends – especially one woman who I know is going to be a lifelong friend. We ended up talking almost all night on the second night I was there and I feel like I’ve known her for lifetimes already.

5.  In June I went to Long Island (where I grew up) two weekends in a row. On the second weekend we rented an AirBnB by the ocean. It was crazy peaceful and I noticed that every time I walked to the dock by the water I would involuntarily exhale.

It was also really nice to see the things I grew up with, eat the food (Chinese, pizza, bagels, etc – all are SO MUCH BETTER in New York!) and spend time with my family.

The person in the paddle boat in this picture is Don, by the way. On our first day he paddled out by himself and the second time he took Gabe around the water. They had a blast.

6. Don and I took a mini-vacation to NYC which was also very fun. We really enjoyed walking around and having some completely “off” days.

7. In May I drove a few hours to a Generosity Feeds event where we assembled 10,000 meals for hungry kids in under 2 hours. That was a very fulfilling, enjoyable experience that I hope to do more of.

8. There were a few other really fun things that went on in the past few months – we watched Gabe a lot, I went to a gentle yoga class, enjoyed a “Soupfest” event, partook in a roundtable “Women In Business” event, and so on.

I have so much more energy / am so much happier / do so much more in the sunshine.

9. I started working with Mindfix on eliminating mental roadblocks. Given the huge amounts of stress in my life (two people I love getting cancer, my basement flooding TWICE and having $10k+ in bills that insurance wouldn’t cover, 2 major holidays the warehouse had to deal with, big issues with a family member that I won’t get into, etc), I have been remarkably calm.  I am so glad that I signed up.

10. Business has been going really well! First, I promoted Engagermate in the P.S. of an email and was at the top of the affiliate leaderboard.

11. We had a few affiliates promote Jumpstart and LHS and made a healthy, mostly passive 6 figures in sales. And while the sales are awesome, I just LOVE when people sign up because I know if they put it to action it will help change their lives for the better.

Affiliates have been really happy with the sales. One said, “You and your entire team have just blown  me away. This is by far the best experience I’ve had promoting a webinar because of the massive value you give on the webinar itself and the incredible product behind it.”

That’s obviously spectacular to hear.

And it feels really good that some high-quality, really-care-about-integrity affiliates have been reaching out to us on their own.

12. I ran a copywriting presentation for a friend that went pretty well. I haven’t talked about copy for a while but I think it went well, considering.

13. I was able to give a good friend some advice with her business so that she could afford to take a few months off. It felt really nice to be able to support her in a way that felt very easy for me.

14. The warehouse produced 15.48% more units in May 2019 than in May 2018, and 2.49% more in June

15. People in Jumpstart and Low Hanging System are still getting great results! Here are some of the latest updates:

So, what about YOU? Do you have any wins you’d like to share?

I’d love to hear about them!

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