InstaBuilder Plugin

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It’s 1:30 am. I should be sleeping (especially considering I have a long 3 days of meetings coming up), but I am just TOO freakin’ excited about this plugin to NOT share it.

And since it’s completely off the market in 3 days (I don’t know why they do that!)… I felt like I had an obligation to let you know. Seriously. I almost didn’t buy it and I’d have been devastated if I missed out. Here’s why:

  • This one-time investment basically cancels out hundreds of dollars in monthly expenses you’d pay separately.
  • It creates thousands of dollars to your bottom line (I sound so hype-y, lol, but it’s true. I am GEEKING OUT here!)
  • It erases all your tech nightmares and finally lets you the advanced things you’ve wanted to do but didn’t know how.

Edit: It is now back on the market. I thought it was being taken off completely.

If you have a website or are thinking of making one in the future… I highly, highly recommend this. You don’t even need to be selling something. You can use some of the features just to get more traffic to your site.

I made a video to show you why I was so excited about it. In it, I also mention some advanced ways you can benefit from it:

[ez_video url=”” player=”flowplayer” width=”640″ height=”360″ autoplay=”2″ autohide=”1″ controls=”1″]

Epic, right!? Here’s the sales page for it.

Here are some of my favorite parts about it:

Easily create good looking sales letters and squeeze pages.

Create video or regular sales letters and squeeze pages with the click of a button.

Launch full-out product launches (delayed content and all) by clicking a few buttons.

Quickly add boxes, change fonts, do whatever you want, all in super-simple WYSIWYG awesomeness.

Help your site go viral.

Reward people with special prizes if they share your page on social media.. (For example, if someone tweets or posts on Facebook about your site, InstaBuilderPlugin will deliver them a reward.)

Make it so people can sign up to your mailing list by connecting into Facebook (people are so much less resistant to this than putting in their emails!)

Hit “social share” and people can share your page on Twitter, Facebook, Google +1…

Make more sales.

Easily split test letters so you have the highest-functioning websites possible.

Have (unannoying) exit popups where you can touch base with people leaving and ask them for feedback. This may recoup sales like it does on some of my pages.

Use countdown timers for offers that are only available for a limited time, sparking excitement in others.

If you’re technically incompetent like me, it adds a LOT more options to your life.

This instantly makes your site look good on all iPads, iPhones, and all mobile devices.

You don’t need to overhaul your sites for this to work – this works with any theme so you don’t need to change anything, you just get new options given to you…

Add videos with one click (I hated this in the past!!!!)

Your sites run faster since you can delete all the “one-off” plugins…

Basically, it’s the definition of AWESOME.

It’s now 2:23 am, so if I’m for some reason not conveying all the amazingness here… then just check out the InstaBuilder Plugin page.

I really recommend you grab it right now.

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18 thoughts on “InstaBuilder Plugin”

  1. Hi Rachel,

    I love the video. Very informative. I really appreciate your authenticity and being comfortable in how you present info.

    Question on the plug-in…is it necessary to have Optimize Press with this plug-in? It seems the Squeeze Pages that are created are OP style. I do not have OP and am not really wanting to purchase it, especially if I can buy this for cheaper.

    Thanks for your time.

    Keep rockin’ it girl.

    Much Love…Kat

    1. Hi Kat,

      Nope! This plugin completely removes the need for Optimize Press. :)

      And THANK YOU for your kind words!!! <3 <3 <3

      With love,

  2. Rachel , ordered this product on your recomendation, can’t access , support won’t assist . I know you don’t want this either , can you contact them on my behalf ?

  3. Hello from Montana,

    Isn’t it funny how much we feel more trust and loyalty when we can see them on video? I am impressed and value your judgement.

    Thanks for the important work you do. Hope you will go to some of my many books on Kindle and leave “Likes, tags and reviews” and of course purchase. That is the ultimate goal to share a message of kindness and respect with the world.

    Judy Helm Wright aka “Auntie Artichoke”

  4. But really, this plugin really does have lots of features that could help save undreds of dollars on other themes and plugins in the future. Seems like a worthwhile investment.

  5. I received lots of email about this plugin, but didn't get nearly half as excited about it as I did watching this video. Opps:) They should use this video in their sales letter!

  6. I received lots of email about this plugin, but didn't get nearly half as excited about it as I did watching this video. Opps:) They should use this video in their sales letter!

    1. But really, this plugin really does have lots of features that could help save undreds of dollars on other themes and plugins in the future. Seems like a worthwhile investment.

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