What’s goin’ on in my life: Part 1 :)

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Although busy, life has been outrageously spectacular lately. :)

And since the topic of focus and mindset has been coming up in my life a LOT lately, I figured I’d post about what’s coming up in my life… and why.

Here’s what’s going on:

Saturday + Sunday: Meeting with my ‘Mistressmind’

I’m in a ‘mistressmind’ (mastermind of all women) with 6 other incredible women.

My weekly call with these women is one of my favorite parts of the week. I turned down VIP tickets to David Letterman in order to not miss a call with my girls. :)

When I was invited to the group, the person organizing it was very intentional with what she was looking for. In fact, here’s an excerpt from her invitation email:

The Who:

An exclusive group of women who are:
– rocking it in their businesses and in their lives
– accountable for their success and their failures
– generating (at least) 6-figures annually
– willing to risk being truthful, transparent and fully expressed in service to themselves and the other women’s brilliance

I decided to join and now I’m surrounded by some of the most incredible women on the planet on a weekly basis. It rocks. :)

We’ve been meeting for a few months now, and while most of us have met in person individually we haven’t all gotten together as a group.

With the exception of one person who will Skype in, we’re doing that this weekend. We’re renting out some suites at the Ritz and we’re going to have a glorious weekend.

Why am I doing this?

Well, a few reasons:

1. It’s so NOURISHING to be around positive, conscious, growth-minded people. You are who you surround yourself with and I’m beyond proud to be associated with every woman in this group.

2. I love being able to bounce ideas off people whose opinions I trust. Not only do I talk to savvy businesswomen, but good people who don’t just care about the bottom line. They care about making a difference. Our values are completely in line.

3. Working with these ladies on a weekly basis holds me accountable. Every week before I jump on a call, I think:

Did I say what I was going to do?
Am I growing?
Am I implementing what we talked about?

And the in-person meetup this weekend will be spectacular. We’ll be talking about our 2013 goals, helping each other hone in and identify how we can make this year the best year ever for all of us.

We’ll spend time on each person, figuring out her goals and how we can best support and raise her up.

Side note: Do YOU want to be in a mastermind?

I was talking with an amazing woman on a Power Hour coaching call yesterday and she expressed interest in joining a mastermind too.

I’m thinking about either setting up a Skype group for all our peeps, and/or setting up special groups of 5-7 people too.

If this is something you’re interested in, please leave a comment here.

Sunday through Friday: Marketer’s Mansion

I’m literally leaving the Ritz on Sunday to go to the airport for Marketer’s Mansion in Vegas.

Marketer’s Mansion was the brainchild of Mark Helton and William Meers. Basically, they’re renting out a 10,000 square foot mansion with multiple pools, a hot tub, bars, chef, concierge, all of it.

They’re making it an exclusive internet marketing event, as an answer to all the boring conference-style pitchfests.

I was one of 14 marketers invited to come and teach attendee participants how to market.

Attendees will sleep in the same house as the marketers, be personally mentored by them, and walk away with completed products. There are also going to be contests, after-hours hanging out, and the opportunity for attendees to “pitch” their ideas to marketers.

I think the idea behind the mansion is the whole “live the internet lifestyle” thing. Slightly hype-y, hehe, but I’m happy to go live in a mansion for a week anyway. :)

The event’s going to be live-streamed (you can watch live by going here – beware, the page is a bit hype-y ;)) and 24/7 recorded. Edited recordings will be available for sale down the line.

Why am I doing this?

A couple reasons for this too:

1. I’ll be hanging out with some wildly awesome people, including the closest person to me in my life right now – Don Wilson.

Like I said before, surrounding yourself with great people is SO IMPORTANT.

Don and I tell each other all the time how much we inspire each other. Since we’ve been talking, my life has gotten infinitely better. We hold each other accountable on all kinds of things – making a difference in the world, business, health, just rocking life and demanding happiness.

So I’d happily hang out with just him for a week. But now I get him, other marketers, and highly-motivated attendees who put down a sizable investment in themselves.

2. It seems fun! There are 3 questions I’ve been asking myself at the end of everyday lately (Don told me about them, taken from Brendon Burchard):

Have I lived?
Have I loved?
Have I mattered?

I think this trip to Vegas will definitely cover #1 and #3. And #2 is my strongest, I feel I’ve got that covered all the time. ;)

The lived part… well, I’ll be doing something new, which is fun.  Hanging with awesome people. And I’m sure we’ll go dancing, which always makes me feel so alive.

The mattered part… I’ll be helping people live and on-the-spot, plus on the live stream and in the recordings.)

3. I know many of the other people going, but not super-well. This’ll be prime networking opportunity.

4. I’m happy to support a new, innovative take on marketing. William and Mark invested a lot in this, and they clearly care a LOT about the attendees. I can’t help but want to support that.

Friday Through Monday: Hanging with Jason Fladlien

I arrive back to SFO airport at 1:25 pm, grab my suitcase, then find Jason who arrives at 2:40.

(Yes – this is a BUSY week!)

I first came across Jason in 2010, when I bought one of his products and was promptly blown away. I made this blog post about him.

Since then, I’ve found a zillion other reasons to like him even more.

He’s a stand-up guy. One of my favorite things about him is how, even though he schedules his years out to be jam-packed, has two small children in his house (and a third on the way), is a self-confessed workaholic and barely goes to ANY events…

He ALWAYS speaks at Dennis Becker’s Earn1KADay seminar. Dennis’ event isn’t the biggest, and it’s certainly not the most profitable as a speaker. But Jason has said multiple times that he’ll always make time to go to Dennis’ events because Dennis was the first one who promoted his products.

Jason’s also just a great guy who really cares about people, is brilliant, amazing with business, and fun to hang out with.

Why am I doing this?

Well, as you can see, surrounding myself with stellar people is high on my priority list. And Jason definitely qualifies.

He hasn’t been to San Fran yet and I think we’re going to have a blast exploring, which’ll also cover the “Have I lived?” question. :)

So that wraps it up. It’ll be a busy, but highly fun week.

I’ll owe you two blog posts coming up: one on how the week went and another on what I found from the survey results ASAP.

In the meantime, make lots of magical days, OK? And don’t forget to leave a comment if you’re interested in joining a mastermind (or just to leave one — I love comments!). :)

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0 thoughts on “What’s goin’ on in my life: Part 1 :)”

  1. Heh, I could kinda tell, but the things you do just screams "extroversion!".:) It's pretty awesome you are able to find that kind of energy to not only be around so many people, but spread it around as well. 'Cause as an introvert, I can't imagine that came naturally.

  2. Hey Rachel, Oh you have definitely lived, loved and mattered! You have made a difference in my life, and I am one of many… Thank you for being an inspiration and sharing so much of who you are.

    And yes if you create or help get some mistressminds together I would love it! I miss being in one, they made a world of difference.


  3. Hey Rachel, Oh you have definitely lived, loved and mattered! You have made a difference in my life, and I am one of many… Thank you for being an inspiration and sharing so much of who you are.

    And yes if you create or help get some mistressminds together I would love it! I miss being in one, they made a world of difference.


  4. Great post – and a great week, no doubt!

    Interested in the Mastermind group Rachel but your link above – If this is something you’re interested in, please leave a comment here – doesnt work.

    So, in case you mean here …. Ive done so :)



  5. Honey, honey! No kidding you are busy. (Love the Virgin plane, by the way. Teehee!) Count me in for interest in a Mistressmind. I'm thrilled to hear updates and be in your glow (ahem, "experience your glow" *norcal lingo*) when you return. ;-) Bon voyage, amiga!

  6. Honey, honey! No kidding you are busy. (Love the Virgin plane, by the way. Teehee!) Count me in for interest in a Mistressmind. I'm thrilled to hear updates and be in your glow (ahem, "experience your glow" *norcal lingo*) when you return. ;-) Bon voyage, amiga!

  7. Rob Bettencourt

    I would love to be part of a mastermind. Being part of a group where we all find ways to push ourselves, become better than we are in our business and life. And help each other to succeed.

  8. Hi Rachel,

    Mastermind groups are amazing and I love being a part of movers and shakers. Definitely interested in hearing more. I’m also in the Bay Area (near Concord) and would definitely be interested in a local mastermind too.

    Sending best wishes for all three of your coming adventures … have a wonderful time!

  9. Rachel you have mattered. So yes you have that covered as well by far. Have a blast hear the top floor of the Rio is pretty hot for a girl like you <g>.. Even has Rio Rita with fruit on her head if you get lucky to meet her..

  10. Rachel you have mattered. So yes you have that covered as well by far. Have a blast hear the top floor of the Rio is pretty hot for a girl like you <g>.. Even has Rio Rita with fruit on her head if you get lucky to meet her..

  11. I love your end of day questions "Have I lived? Have I loved? Have I mattered?" and here is an invite to pre-ask them at the beginning of your day too in this way "What will it take to live fully today? What will it take to love fully today? What will it take to matter today?" and see if any intuition comes to you in the silence after asking yourself each question! Have a fun week at the mansion.

  12. I love your end of day questions "Have I lived? Have I loved? Have I mattered?" and here is an invite to pre-ask them at the beginning of your day too in this way "What will it take to live fully today? What will it take to love fully today? What will it take to matter today?" and see if any intuition comes to you in the silence after asking yourself each question! Have a fun week at the mansion.

  13. I’d love to be part of a mastermind, Rachel! Encouraging like-minded people, sharing support and knowledge, all of it sounds like it’s totally in line with my goals for 2013.

    Thanks for making such an opportunity available, Rachel. You rock!

  14. Way to live life Rachel!:) One thing nice about being an extrovert is having so much energy that it spills over to people around you, giving them the inspiration and drive that changes their lives. That's just cool…

    BTW, a thumbs-up on the master-mind idea.:)

  15. Way to live life Rachel!:) One thing nice about being an extrovert is having so much energy that it spills over to people around you, giving them the inspiration and drive that changes their lives. That's just cool…

    BTW, a thumbs-up on the master-mind idea.:)

    1. If you're an introvert, it's pretty amazing the amount of energy you have to meet and talk to so many people throughout the week. I spend one day with friends and I'm exhaaaaauuusted, lol.:)

    2. Heh, I could kinda tell, but the things you do just screams "extroversion!".:) It's pretty awesome you are able to find that kind of energy to not only be around so many people, but spread it around as well. 'Cause as an introvert, I can't imagine that came naturally.

  16. Hey Rachel,

    Great post! It’s just brimming and oozing with positivity and success!

    Master minds are definitely the way to go, if they are set up right. Your Mistress mind definitely looks like one of those. I think the key is a tight focus and objective – which is evident in your Mistress mind judging by the excerpt from the email that you’ve posted.

    Also the fact that it’s all women would be a huge plus! I was in an all-women’s business group (a large group – too big to be an effective mistress mind) and it was AWESOME – the energy of the group was like nothing I’ve experienced before.

    I’m not so sure about Skype groups – I have generally avoided them for the reasons that I perceive them to be time wasters with little benefit. I was in one recently (the only one I’ve joined) and it confirmed these fears – I would log in and there would sometimes be 80 or 130 posts in there from just a few hours – and most of it would be nonsense, or things that may relate to 1 or 2 people but useless for the rest of the group. There were only about 12 people in that group.

    If you plan on targeting specific types of people with specific goals and accountability, it MAY work – but only if each member is as committed as each other!

  17. Awesome post! I could print it our and use it for a 2013 blueprint! I too would like to be part of a supportive group of women: not sure if it would be one where we just brainstorm or one where our skills can be used to compliment each other. Or is it one in the same? Local, or not, is also a consideration.

    I love hearing about your busy schedule. Too busy for me! :)
    Patty Armstrong

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