Busy again!

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Whew, it’s been a busy last couple of weeks!

The article for Woman’s World came out (if you’re looking for my site, you can click here)… and I’ve gotten lots of other opportunities from it. A few editors wrote me, as well as a Producing Assistant of a morning TV show in Florida. It’s all ridiculously exciting!


I’m moving to L.A.!!!! I’m going there for a few months before the world tour starts!

I’ll be moving in with Jaime in her apartment in Santa Monica, and I CANNOT WAIT.

I leave cold Philly on December 17th.  I’ll miss my friends and family, but I know that California’s where my heart is!

I’m thinking about taking the northern route this time since I’ve already done middle and south… but I’m not really a huge fan of driving in snow, so we’ll see. :)


I’m going to be in Baltimore with Brian on December 8+9 for a Dan Kennedy event… and Las Vegas on January 24-25 for The Masters’ Seminar. Let me know if you’re going!


Guess I’m gonna sign off and get some work done… there’s a few more things that I want to post about, I’ll have to post again soon. :)

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0 thoughts on “Busy again!”

  1. LOL! That’s crazy! I’m always surprised when I find out that people are searching for my name.

    I do get a few hits a month from your blog, by the way, so thank you too! ;)

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