Confirmation Page ?

Awesome, you’re in! 😊

I’ve tracked your click, and if I can have my friend host a workshop I’ll let you know.

What caught my attention was how passionate he got about the current state of textbook sales. It honestly surprised me – I thought that market was on the decline, but apparently there’s more to the story (and he got super passionate about sharing all the stats). :)

He says textbook sales are on the RISE and e-book sales are down, interestingly enough, and that supply never ends. (Did you know this?? I would have thought everything went digital!)

Anyway — we’ll see. If I can get him on to share more you’ll be the first to know. :)

With love,

Rachel Rofe's three free print on demand reports include your guide to finding untapped niches, 10 products that made over $1000 and the Etsy trends report.

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