Thank you! – PageOneProfits

Thank you very much for investing in Page One Profits!

I’ve put everything I know about how to rank on the first page into this and I really hope you get a TON of amazing value from this course.

No fluff, just exactly what works and how you can do the same.

I’m excited… Let’s get to it!

Step 1: Download Your Course

We know lots of people learn in different ways. And we want to make sure you succeed with this, so we converted everything into video, mp3, or transcript. Just pick your pleasure and start ranking those books!

Eager to get moving? Here’s a quick overview of the method:
Fast Start Guide (right click to save to your computer)

Option 1: Watch (or download) each module one by one…

Watch each module, one by one, right here. You can watch the video or download the transcript or audio on a module by module basis. Password to watch one-by-one is amazonmoney

Option 2: Download everything at once.

Page One Profits Videos:
Download the Page One Profits videos here(right click to save to your computer)

Page One Profits Video Transcripts:
Download the Page One Profits video transcripts here (right click to save to your computer)

Page One Profits Audio mp3s:
Download the Page One Profits mp3?s here(right click to save to your computer)

Important Update!

We just added a new Facebook group:

Come check it out here:

This is a community ONLY for Page One Profits members where you can post your books to get a review and help out your peers by reviewing books as well!

This combats the need for paid reviews.

(And if you ARE going to get paid reviews, make sure to do them right: tell people to skim the book first, only read if they’re interested, and give legitimate reviews.)

But now with this Facebook group, we’ll have amazing people we can turn to when we all need help ranking our books!

Step 2: Check out these additional resources
Get your book published AND SELLING within a week!

1. Kinstant Formatter – Get all your Kindle books formatted easily and automatically. (It’s a HUGE pain otherwise!)

2. The Ultimate Kindle Course – Get everything you need to know about how to make money-making Kindle books right there.

You can also view all of Rachel’s products right here.

Thank you again and we wish you the best!

If you have any questions, please shoot them to rachelreports

Until then, see you on the first page of Amazon!

Mario Deal & Rachel Rofe

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Rachel Rofe's three free print on demand reports include your guide to finding untapped niches, 10 products that made over $1000 and the Etsy trends report.

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