55 ways to get more traffic to your website

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55 ways to get more traffic to your website. http://www.RachelRofe.com

If you have a website, chances are you’d like more people to see it.

And with today’s ever-growing information overload, it can be harder than ever to stand out.

That’s why I created this list of 55 ways you can get more traffic to your website.

(Funny enough, I started writing this before I realized I’d posted about this very thing in June 2007. Traffic never goes out of style.)

Bonus: Click here to get the PDF + infographic version of 55 Ways To Get More Traffic To Your Website.

Here we go!

1. Create a podcast. I love podcasting. My podcast currently gets 1,500 – 4,000 downloads per episode. Not bad. (Side note: I am creating a course on podcasting. You can sign up for the wait list here.)

2. Pin your blog posts (with compelling pictures) on Pinterest.

3. Answer questions on Quora. (For example, when I posted this response, I got more Twitter followers.)

4. Create awesome free content that people can share. Make sure it includes links back to your website.

5. Post in niche forums and include a signature back to your site.

6. Write a book and publish it to Kindle. Keep it very low priced or free to get maximum traffic.

7. Create a free course on Udemy. Mention your site where it makes sense.

8. Request to submit guest blog posts for blogs in your niche.

9. Add social sharing bookmarks to your site. They work.

10. Leave insightful blog comments to blogs in your niche.

11. Interview influencers in your niche. If they like it, they’ll likely share with their audience.

12. Make it profitable for people to promote your posts. If you use a shopping cart like Nanacast, you can make it so that people can get an affiliate link to share free content. When their leads buy other products of yours, they’ll get a commission. It’s a total win-win.

13. Create helpful YouTube videos.  (If you don’t have video ideas, just create videos out of your blog posts.)

14. Convert content into a slide and post it onto AuthorStream or SlideShare.

15. Post free videos onto MySkillFeed.com. Not only will you get traffic, but the company actually pays you for views as well.

Bonus: Click here to get the PDF + infographic version of 55 Ways To Get More Traffic To Your Website.

16. Submit press releases.

17. Use paid advertising (like Google AdWords or Twitter ads).

18. Link to your posts on Twitter – preferably multiple times, at different times of the day.

19. Create a smart phone app that links to your website.

20. Let people guest blog post on your site.

21. Go offline. Start a meetup group or take on speaking engagements.

22. Create automated webinars.

23. Give away a simple software that links back to your website.

24. Mention your site every time you send out an email.

25. Pay for banner space on other peoples’ websites.

Bonus: Click here to get the PDF + infographic version of 55 Ways To Get More Traffic To Your Website.

26. Link to your posts on your Google+ page.

27. Post on relevant LinkedIn groups.

28. Create share-able tweets and use ClickToTweet to encourage shares.

29. Search engine optimize your posts.

30. Answer questions on Yahoo! Answers.

31. Include your website link in your Instagram bio.

32. Go onto forums/groups and ask people what they’d like to learn about. Answer their questions in your posts. They’ll obviously be interested.

33. Submit tweets to JustRetweet.

34. Add share-able images to all posts. These help tremendously.

35. Create a “Best Of” list in your niche. There are so many reasons these work: they help newbies save time, seasoned people will be curious, and influencers who are mentioned will likely share.

(For example, Lisa from SparrowHaus made this post about 15 noteworthy podcasts from creative women entrepreneurs. You can bet I tweeted, favorited, and pinned it.)

36. Go onto OpenSiteExplorer (use the free option), see who is linking to your competition’s websites, and see how YOU can get on those sites.

37. Network with other bloggers. Even if you’re just starting out, you can find other people in the same position who would love to grow together.

38. Share posts on StumbleUpon.

39. Use a content scheduler like HootSuite to re-promote older blog posts. Keep recycling your old content so new audiences can find it.

40. Run a compelling contest.

41. Create attention-grabbing headlines that make people want to click over and read.

42. Post your blog posts on Medium.com.

43. Reach out to podcasters for interviews. Tell them why you’d make a great asset to their show.

44. Post your best posts on Reddit.com.

45. Create a post on CNN. Their iReport section lets anyone post quality content on there.

46. Hire someone on Fiverr to get traffic for you. There’s an entire section on Fiverr devoted to this. Make sure whoever you hire will get you targeted, spam-free traffic.

47. Upload courses or files to Scribd.

48. Sponsor things – tweet ups, podcasts, booths at events, or peoples’ websites.

49. Go to seminars/conferences/workshops in your industry.

50. Post honest reviews on courses/products in your niche.

51. Look at sites such as MyTopTweet and see your niche influencers’ most popular tweets. This will help give you content ideas of things people care about.

52. Create an infographic. Infographics spread easily and are very share-able. You can create some great ones on Canva or hire someone on Fiverr to help.

53. Participate in “link parties”, which are weekly collections of links about a specific topic.

54. Make your content phenomenal. (This is really #1, but everyone says it first so I figured I’d mix it up.)

55. Co-create content with other people. That leaves room for natural cross promotion.

Bonus: Click here to get the PDF + infographic version of 55 Ways To Get More Traffic To Your Website.

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9 thoughts on “55 ways to get more traffic to your website”

  1. Hi Rachel,
    All the ways are well accepted, i never thought of writing for CNN is possible through IReport section, thank you for sharing this information, i will try this method.

  2. Thanks Rachel for the detailed tips and other useful information on your site. I have been placing content on one of my sites (a marriage tips site) for a few years now but have yet to increase readership. I just stumbled upon your site and I’m glad I did. I have made a vow to myself that this is the year that I see a break through and I don’t think lading on your site was an accident. I look forward to digesting just a tiny bit of your insight and wisdom. I hope your business and relationships are blessed this year.

  3. Hi Rachel,

    Fantastic article – thanks so much for sharing. I love the idea of posting videos on Skillfeed and I wanted to ask whether you know anyone from the UK who has become an instructor? I know it’s possible to do, but it would be great to speak to someone who has done it and get some clarity around tax etc.

    Thanks again for the post and keep up the good work!


  4. Hi Rachel,

    Some awesome tips have been shared here by you. I didnt know that we can even submit guest posts on CNN. That information was completely new for me. Though I know about Medium however, I haven’t tried it once. Now I am looking forward to post on these sites. Hey, thanks for that.

    “Network with other bloggers. Even if you’re just starting out, you can find other people in the same position who would love to grow together.” Cool.. well said. How true it is. :) I have started making connection with fellow bloggers lately and after reading these lines I am going to accelarate my efforts.

    Thanks for the wonderful post and have a great year ahead.

    P.S. – Follows you on Quora :)


    1. Nitin, it is my pleasure! I’ve gotten some decent traffic from Medium, especially with their Recommend feature. Thanks for the Quora follow, too!

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