Beth Burgess on how to overcome severe anxiety and major addictions in favor of a happy, healthy life.

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Bethc2eLBeth Burgess on how to overcome severe anxiety and major addictions in favor of a happy, healthy life.

Podcast Overview:

10 years ago, Beth Burgess was overdosing on drugs, was a full-fledged alcoholic, and was regularly cutting herself.

From a young age, she was paranoid that people were looking at her.

It took her many years of struggle, but eventually she found the secrets in living a happy, healthy life. She goes over them in this episode.

Beth’s Bio:

Have anxiety and/or need anxiety relief? This interview with Beth Burgess is GREAT. | A Better Life PodcastBeth Burgess is a Recovery Coach and a Therapist, as well as an alcoholic in recovery. Beth lives in North London and runs Smyls, a solution-focused service she set up to empower people who have suffered setbacks in life to move on and find happiness.As someone who has herself recovered from alcoholism, social anxiety disorder, bulimia, self-harm and Borderline Personality Disorder, Beth has an empathy and insight that allows her to reach people in the darkest of places.Specialising in Addiction Recovery, Stress and Anxiety Disorders, Beth is often sought out to help people with other mental health issues and difficult life transitions. In addition to her work with individuals, she also offers consulting and runs stress workshops.Beth regularly writes and speaks on social topics, such as addiction, criminal justice and mental health, as well as what it takes to live a healthy, happy life.

Resources Mentioned In This Episode:

The Recovery Formula – One of Beth’s books.

The Happy Addict – Beth’s other book.

Dialectical Core Behavior Therapy – The type of therapy Beth teaches.

Smyls – Beth’s website.

Episode Transcript

Click here to download a full transcript of today’s episode.

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0 thoughts on “Beth Burgess on how to overcome severe anxiety and major addictions in favor of a happy, healthy life.”

  1. Hi Rachel,

    I started listening to your podcast about 2 months ago and I won’t miss an episode from here on out. This one to me was one of your best. I love the way you keep asking the questions until you get your guest to give you the answer your looking for.

    I think Beth can help so many people. I too went to an NLP practitioner and was helped in one session.

    Marian from Houston

    1. Marian, thank you so much!! This means THE WORLD to me. Seriously. I’m really appreciative that you took the time to leave a comment, and I’m so glad you liked this episode. Thank you very much!

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