Part 4: How to not get sucked into all the bad news stories

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make things betterIt’s no secret that the news has been inundated with negative stories and happenings lately. But the reality is that if we have time to worry and complain, then we have time to take positive action, too. And that’s exactly what I talk about in today’s episode.

This is Part 4 in a 5-part series about practical tips, staying open and resourced, and shifting our mindsets so we don’t become weighed down by all of the bad news stories.

We should be aware of what’s going on in the world but we should digest that information when we’re in the best frame of mind to do so. That way, we can spend our time doing something useful about it—something that can make the world a better place.

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Notes from the show: 

– Share what you believe but do so in a way that comes from a place of clean energy

– Post supportive, love-based thoughts and stories on social media

– Attend peaceful protests or use artistic expression to convey your message

– Take Mr. Rogers’ advice and “Look for the helpers”

– Volunteer, make donations, send energy – do whatever you feel most comfortable with

Links and Resources Mentioned: – Website where you can sign petitions, or create one of your own, about causes that you care about

#LoveForLeslieJ – Love-based hashtag started in response to the incredibly racist commentary aimed at the actress Leslie Jones

Everything She Says She Means – An art project started by Spencer Tunick in which women reflect heir anger over oppressive attitudes and policies through art

Police and Black Lives Matter Hold a Cookout – A positive story about the Wichita, Kansas police department spending time with members of the community at an event planned by Black Lives Matter activists

BBBS – Volunteer with the Big Brother Big Sister of American organization – If there’s anything you’d like to ask me or have me podcast about, please go here and let me know

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Bonus: Click here to get the PDF transcription of this podcast.

learn what you can do to make things better

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