November + December 2018 Brags

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This will wrap up my 2018 brag posts. I actually just went through the other months to revisit some of my highlights from the past year, and it was so much fun!

I’m making this post a 2-in-one since I was so busy at the warehouse in December that I never wrote my November one.

Here are my wins in no random order:

1. I was on Facebook and saw this post:

It prompted me to ask my assistant if this was a thing in school districts near us. It turns out it was, so I paid for 3 elementary schools’ worth of lunch.

I don’t really post about this stuff on Facebook anymore (although I know a lot of people say it’s motivating), but it was probably my favorite win of the past couple months so I’m sharing it here.

2. The warehouse CRUSHED IT this holiday season. We were up 54% in December, 224.95% in November, and crushed records from last year. There were a few days we produced 8.000+ items a day and several that were 7,000+.

After hearing a little more about some numbers from other companies, I think we’re the 3rd biggest mug warehouse in North America at this time, which is crazy since we’re still relatively new.

3. OMG. Low Hanging System. People inside there are doing PHENOMENALLY.




That feels AMAZING to see.

4. I filled out my gratitude list 57 days out of 61 in November and December and my “clarity” list 39 days.

5. Don and I went to Wichita for Christmas which is always really fun. I enjoy seeing everyone there. I was a little sick this trip, but I am still “bragging” about spending time with loved ones.

6. We had a super fun holiday party at the warehouse! It was so nice to see so many people show up. We all let out so much of the build-up of stress that came up throughout the season and had a super fun night that I think everyone enjoyed. It was a blast.

7. I did a much better job eating healthfully during this holiday season than in years’ past, thanks to my assistant ordering food for me and keeping it in the fridge. I had plenty of pre-cooked veggies and low carb food around so that I didn’t need to resort to processed food as I have in past years. 

8. The warehouse processed a TON of orders in November and December. I gave % increases before, but in terms of numbers, we made 105,000 items in November and about 163,000 in December.

9. We started making doormats on a bigger scale for one of our clients, which was fun.

10. So many Jumpstart students have been KILLING IT!! Some of the testimonials above are also from Jumpstart/LHS people. We’ve had so many people talk about how much the Jumpstart has been helping them and so many have been reporting sales. That is wonderful to see.

11. We had another workshop with the consultants we hired for my warehouse, and it went very well. 

How about you? Any brags you’d like to share? I’d love to read them!

November and December brags

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