Need a kick-butt assistant?

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I’ve recently realized I don’t have enough work for my incredible U.S. based assistant Michaela and wanted to offer her services to my friends.

She is amazing. Seriously – there have been many times I looked at some of her work and literally giggled with happiness at how epic she is.

And after having worked with her for years, I’ve trained her very well for you.

I’d love to “co-op” her services and share her with 1-3 other people.

Here are some of the things she can do:

– Implements all zany ideas. A lot of times I have completely random business ideas. I just make her a quick video explaining what I’m thinking and she goes and implements it. She asks whatever questions she needs to and then runs with it. She’s very resourceful about coming up with answers on her own and has never said “no” to me, or she’s not comfortable with something, or anything like that. She’s up for anything.

Answers all emails. And for any emails she can’t answer, you can simply make her a video and she’ll transcribe the answers. It will take you 5 minutes to go through 10+ emails so you can actually have all your emails answered every day, easily.

(Tip: When I’m on vacation, I simply voice record email responses on my iPhone and she transcribes them.)

Her email tone is very friendly. People love her. And she can learn your writing voice VERY quickly.

Does project management. If you have a project that requires multiple people or parts, she can manage it all. I’ve had her manage up to 15 people at a time (she can do more), keep track of results, etc… and she’s done stupendously.

Excellent writer. I originally met her when she was writing for another company of mine. She has written blog posts in several different niches for me and always does great. She absolutely loves writing.

She can do article writing and create weekly (or more) blog posts.

– Can hire people. I’ve had her hire people for me off of oDesk and Fiverr (maybe elance too – I forget).  She is able to work from a budget, pick out the best people and then hire and manage them.

Goes through courses and takes notes on them. I often don’t have time to go through courses, so I simply give HER access to the courses. She takes great notes and saves me a LOT of time. (For example, I recently paid around $2k for a course and didn’t go through ANY of the information except her notes. She did an excellent job.)

– Book writer. Michaela has actually written full books for me (as well as short reports).

– Familiar with Kindle and CreateSpace. Michaela has uploaded books for me to both Kindle and CreateSpace and I’m currently training her on how to get books to #1 on Kindle. Of course anything that I train her on, you’ll benefit from (except for a few things I have signed NDA’s on).

Goes through Facebook messages. Once a week, I go through and dictate responses to all my FB messages. She’ll respond.

– Manages a review team. If you get asked to review products a lot, this is super helpful. Every time someone approaches me to promote their product, I have her send the product to a review team, take notes, and then only tell me about the product if our review team LOVES it. This ensures my customers only see the best possible products and saves me a lot of time.

Helps structure your thoughts. Michaela has a great ability to take a bunch of randomness and make it into ORDER. This is super, super helpful.

– Excellent gatekeeper. With Michaela on your side, you won’t have any “Can I pick your brain?” requests. (I hate that question!!!)

– Decent copywriter. I’ve taught Michaela some copy and she does a decent job. I wouldn’t say world-class yet (I haven’t trained her enough), but she’s certainly top 20% and can definitely create you a great template to work from.

– Can buy domains, transfer them to Hostgator, install blogs, upload themes, make blog posts.

– Makes phone calls.

Updates social media pages. I have a few different FB and Twitter pages for niches and she updates them via HootSuite. (She can do this under your personal name, but I elect not to.)

Creates and mails newsletters. Michaela has been sending out a weekly newsletter to one of my niches for 6+ months now.

– Contacts potential joint venture partners. I’ve given her scripts with which to contact JV partners before and she’s done an excellent job.

– Processes refunds/orders. Michaela can go into PayPal and cancel orders.

– Signs up for affiliate accounts, gets affiliate links.

– List management. Michaela has worked with both GetResponse and aweber. She can learn any contact management system. She’s great at emailing lists and updating them.

– Is extremely quick
. She gets things done VERY fast.

I’m sure there’s a LOT more I’m not thinking of right now. I have thrown a LOT her way over the years!

Here are some of Michaela’s qualities:

– Very friendly. She’s never said “no” to me or even given me a trace of crankiness (and I’ve certainly given her reason to, whatwith changing my mind a billion times!)

– Extremely resourceful.

– VERY intelligent.

– Wildly organized. In fact last week her grandmother passed away and she had to travel cross country last minute. She was devastated, but still took some time to do all her weekly tasks so that they’d be handled while she flew. (I had no idea she was doing that!)

– Keeps her word. Once you ask her to do something, if she says yes, you can relax into knowing it will be done.

– Thorough. She never half-asses anything.

– Will make you PROUD to work with her. I feel really proud knowing she’s answering my emails. I’ve never once felt embarrassed about how she handled something (I have with other assistants).

– Willing to learn anything.

Overall, I think she is just FANTASTIC. (Can you tell!?) That’s why I want to help find some other people to work with her. I think far too highly of her to just cut her hours back.

I was thinking, like I said, that we could have people work with her in “blocks” of 10 hours a week. That’d be $1000/month for 40 hours a month. You would pay her directly.  She can do a LOT of work in 40 hours a month, but if you’re interested in buying multiple blocks, let me know. Right now I want to keep one block. So there are 3 available.

If you’re interested, I want to feel confident that you would be able to afford her for a long time.

The point of this is to make sure she has stable income :), so if you feel confident that you can make good use of her, please let me know. You can absolutely get a great ROI from her. In fact, she’s basically running one of my companies. I don’t even remember the password to its email account and haven’t checked it in months.

And if you commit to hiring her for minimum of a year, then I will be more than happy to have a brainstorm session with you where I help you structure the best ways to use her. :)

EDIT: It looks like her slots have been filled up. But I’m leaving this here because I’ll soon create a course showing you exactly how I trained Michaela and how you can benefit from it. :) If you’re interested in that course, just shoot an email to rachelreports Thank you!!

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7 thoughts on “Need a kick-butt assistant?”

  1. I see a lot of interesting content on your page. You have to spend a lot of time writing, i know how to
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  2. Wow, I need a course to teach me to be a kick butt assistant so I can get all my “stuff” done in less than 23 hours i.e. before I have to start it all again the next day!

    1. Haha… We do have one up, actually. I need to make a payment button for it, but it’ll be at :)

    1. Yeah, it makes sense. :) I think she’s an amazing idea implementer. I’m not sure about idea generation (she may be excellent at it, but I haven’t asked her to). Also, some people value stability more than other stuff. :)

      1. It’s a question of mindset. With her skills, she can at least TRY branching out on her own and see how things work out. After all, people who are far less skilled have attained phenomenal success in IM. All it takes is getting out of your comfort zone.

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