A nerdy little post…

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The silliest things make me happy. :)

(…and by “windowsill”, I mean “window”. ;))

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0 thoughts on “A nerdy little post…”

  1. Hey Rachel.

    Actually, cops are generally more suspicious of these types of decals/bumper stickers. Pro military, pro police, Jesus Fish, etc, have a bad rep for being used by drug carriers and smugglers.

  2. Tajwar,

    Thanks for the post – and I’m glad you did ask!

    I’ll actually be in Atlanta for a wedding and not sure how much free time I’ll have, but feel free to email me around that time – the week of 9/26 – and if I can head out for a bit, it sounds like a lot of fun! =)

  3. Hi Rachel!

    My name is Tajwar. I am slowly but surely learning about internet marketing. I don’t even remember how I found you on the net and saw that you know your stuff about making money on the net. One of the things you say that really impressed me…and kind of kicked me in the ass was in your Who I Would Like to Meet section. It said something to the affect of people who are not scared to take advantage of opportunity just because it seems to big. WOW!
    Anyways, the point of this post is I wanted to see if you would be willing to meet during your visit to Atlanta. I was a little scared to ask at first but then remembered your saying on Myspace. I figured this is just to huge an opportunity to let pass by! You are coming to Atlanta…and I live in Atlanta!!!
    It would be soooo awesome if we could do lunch or coffee(my treat, of course) and maybe I could learn a thing or two from you and in effect I could start helping people on the net!

    Ok, ok,…long post…sorry:-)

    Thanks for taking the time to read this!
    I look forward to meeting you!

    Tajwar Alexander

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