Advance your skills with these 9 free – HIGH QUALITY – marketing courses

Discover how you can advance your skills with these 9 free digital marketing courses.

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I’m a big believer in continuous learning. No matter how skilled or knowledgeable you are on a subject, there’s always something new to learn.

Because of that, I thought I’d share a list of 9 free – HIGH QUALITY – digital marketing courses with you.

(When I say “high quality”, I don’t mean cheap PDF’s that are distributed all over the internet. One of these courses is even from an ivy league school!)

You can use these to advance your business, stand out in your job, or quickly cover gaps in knowledge.

You can check out the full list below, or jump to a downloadable infographic at the bottom.

Here’s the full list, in no particular order:

Social Media Quickstarter Digital Marketing Course

By Constant Contact
Level – Beginner

What You Can Expect To Learn: 

This course goes over the fundamentals for every social media site:

Social Media 101 - Get free courses here

Because most of us don’t know how to use EVERY network, these 101 courses are very helpful in getting a quick overview.

If you want to know the ideal demographics for your business, you may also find a blog post called “Social Media Demographics: What You Need To Know About Each Site’s Core Audience” helpful.

Time Commitment: 

This is a course you can point and click with. Each social media resource has 4-18 resources you can go through.

Advanced Social Media Marketing for Picking Up Clients

By Brian Yang
Level – Advanced

What You Can Expect To Learn: 

In this free Udemy course, you’ll learn how to use get more clients from Reddit, YouTube, and Facebook.

Some of the things the course covers are:

  • How to use Reddit to pick up clients
  • How to use simple YouTube videos to get clients, plus the 4 components of an STICKY YouTube video and how to sequence them in the most effective order
  • How to use private Facebook groups to get clients

Time Commitment:  

The total length of all training is 50 minutes and 44 seconds, and there are 5 point-and-click lectures.

SEO Training Course

By Moz
Level – Beginner

What You Can Expect To Learn: 

This is another Udemy course that goes through the basics of SEO including keyword research, site audits, link-building, and off-page SEO.

The course has a 4.2 rating with 7,473 ratings, and has great content with lots of action items.

Side note – if you find this useful, you’ll likely love my favorite SEO tool. Here’s a video on how I use it.

Time Commitment: 

There are 18 lectures for a total of 3.5 hours content that you can go through at your leisure.

Google Analytics for Beginners

By Google Analytics Academy
Level – Beginner

What You Can Expect To Learn: 

This course covers the basics of Google Analytics. You learn things like how to create an account, add tracking code, set up data filters, dashboards, and shortcuts.

You’ll also see how to analyze reports, create goals, and track campaigns.

Once you go through this course, you can “graduate” to the more advanced material.

Time Commitment: 

This course consists of four units, with 3-5 lessons/unit.

Viral Marketing and How to Create Contagious Content

By University of Pennsylvania
Level – Beginner – Intermediate

What You Can Expect To Learn: 

This ivy-league course teaches you how to create contagious content, and exactly what you need to build “sticky” messages that resonate with people.

It includes tangibles like “six success factors that make messages stick”, so students walk away with a checklist of sorts.

If you ever wanted to learn how to create viral content, this is a solid course.

When you click on the course page, it’s going to look  like you need to pay. You don’t if you don’t want a certificate. Here’s what the course page says:

Time Commitment:  

4 weeks, 5-8 weeks/week. This course starts at certain times and you need to sign up in advance.

Pay-Per-Click (PPC) University

By WordStream
Level – Beginner – Advanced

What You Can Expect To Learn: 

This course covers just about everything you need to know about PPC marketing, from keywords to GEO targeting and local PPC. Every article I checked had been updated recently, which is fantastic.

The articles discuss topics spanning several PPC platforms; just scroll down to see beyond AdWords.

Time Commitment:  

3 modules (PPC 101, PPC 102, Advanced PPC) that you can go through at your own pace, plus social ads 101, webinars, and white papers.

Internet Marketing for Smart People

By Copyblogger
Level – Beginner – Advanced

What You Can Expect To Learn: 

In this course, students discover how to “implement effective online marketing” strategies. They learn the “Copyblogger method” and receive a reference guide containing the “best of the best” Copyblogger material, focusing on the “four pillars of online marketing success:”

  1. Relationships
  2. Direct response copywriting
  3. Content marketing
  4. Have something worth selling.

Time Commitment:  

This is a consume-at-your-leisure 20-part course and an ongoing e-newsletter (that you can unsubscribe from at any time, of course).

AdWords Marketing Course

By Google
Level – Beginner – Advanced

What You Can Expect To Learn:

If you’d like to learn how to use Google AdWords, this is your course. It covers things like AdWords fundamentals, search advertising, display and mobile advertising, video advertising, shopping ads, analytics, and more.

If you want to become “an AdWords certified professional”, you can opt to take 2 exams ($50 each) to gain a certificate. This is optional.

Time Commitment:  

Self-study consisting of 12 course sections.

Get Higher Conversions from Your Landing Pages

By Unbounce
Level – Beginner – Advanced

What You Can Expect To Learn: 

If you have a main website, this course is fantastic for making sure you get as many conversions as possible.

It covers a ton of concrete information by people who split test everything.

You’ll learn things like:

  • 5 core things you want on any landing page (learned after endless tests)
  • The best-converting site designs
  • How to design the most effective opt-in forms (one use case: Expedia saved $12 million by removing ONE field on their form)
  • How to split test your pages
  • …and a lot more. I got a LOT from this one!

Time Commitment:  

This course consists of 11 parts, including both reading material and video lessons (which usually run around 20-30 minutes). 

Here are some places where you can find lots more free marketing courses:

We also made an infographic that you can view, download, or pin below:

Discover how you can advance your skills with these 9 free digital marketing courses.

Download this here or pin it here.

What do you think of this list of digital marketing courses? Please leave a comment and let me know your thoughts – and if you end up taking any of them. I’d love to hear your thoughts and what you learn! 

Discover how you can advance your skills with these 9 free digital marketing courses.

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