Altitude Follow Up, Master’s Seminar, Idea Incubator… tooons going on!

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First of all, I’d like to say that Andrew Wee has officially made my day/week/month/life. Look at his most recent post!


I’ve been going to seminars galore lately! First I went to the Altitude follow up, where I met some fantastic people (including Chris Haddad, whose sales letter I never cease to salivate over) and got some incredible insight.

The whole “Altitude” series is monstrously value-packed. Jaime, Chad Morris, Evan Peelle and I have Altitude dates every Tuesday now, where we rotate locations and watch the series.

Just from the first few hours last Tuesday, I got incredible insight. One thing that Eben says to do is *really* figure out what your customer’s biggest fears and frustrations are, what they’re embarassed to admit, and what irrational conversations they’re having in their heads.

So… I did that. I went to a forum and asked people, and got some INCREDIBLE feedback. Despite how much I thought I knew my market (especially since I *was* the market for such a long time), as usual, I was surprised. I highly recommend that you do this in your niches.

Actually, I think I’m going to blog about something else I learned each week from the DVDs… once you learn something, not only is it your mission to share it with others, but you learn it even better.


After Altitude, I went to Vegas for the Master’s Seminar. I went with Jaime, Chad, and Evan again… and it was a fantastic time. We mostly partied, but I did get to meet and reconnect with some people, including Brian McElroy and Brian Kosobucki, Jason Moffatt, Jason Henderson (didn’t get to see him enough!), Mike Morgan, Simon Leung, Harris Fellman, Howie Schwartz, Dr. Mike, Tahir Shah, Donna Fox, Donna’s boyfriend Joey (the most amazing human being on the planet), Scott Byers, Ben Mack, Lee Collins, Robin Collins, Amanda… man, it was just awesomeness.

It was Brian McElroy’s birthday on Thursday night, so we made sure he had a good time. He ended up sick the entire next day, which I’m strangely very happy about. :)

Jaime has to charge her camera, pictures should be coming soon from that.


On Thursday, Simon Leung texted me and told me about Idea Incubator, which was being held 47 minutes away. Jaime and I decided to go, and it was a GREAT time.

The seminar was different than most because it was small and intimate… which meant that people could take more time to talk with the speakers. In fact, on Saturday night, there were 9 roundtables, and each speaker spent 20 minutes at each table, answering any question that people could think of.

The speakers there were fantastic. Simon Leung, Alex Mandossian, Matt Bacak, Armand Morin, Michel and Sylvie Fortin, Rory Cohen, Jermaine Griggs, Ray Edwards…. all top top notch people.

I was shocked that Jermaine Griggs actually knew who I was! I had blogged about him before, Google Alerts picked it up, and he remembered. Craziness! Listening to him speak was incredible… you should hear about all the customizations that he does to his programs. Anything’s possible with him!

Alex Mandossian was AMAZING. Totally brilliant, a fantastic teacher, very passionate and insightful, ridiculously dynamic speaker… can’t speak highly enough of him.

Simon has the pictures from that event… here’s one from Stu McLaren’s birthday dinner:

Jaime, Simon, Jermaine Griggs, Brent Coppieters, Jeff France, Faye McLaren, Stu McLaren, Greg France :)


I was scheduled to go to a few other things in Orlando next week… but all these seminars, while fantastic, are taking me away from meeting my February goals, so I might reconsider.


Other than that, everything’s great. I’ll include more in the Altitude posts as this one has already gotten quite long. :)

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0 thoughts on “Altitude Follow Up, Master’s Seminar, Idea Incubator… tooons going on!”

  1. Rachel,
    next time we meet I’ll factor salsa into my schedule. You and Jaime definitely put the spice into the stew. Thanks for that!


  2. Andrew, I’m so excited to finally meet you! :)

    And I really think I’m going to stop in Singapore before I hit Australia… so double-meeting, awesome. :)

    Pat and Lorna, HI!!! I had a great time with you guys… you have the type of relationship that I aspire to have someday. You guys are an amazing couple. Jaime and I were “aww’ing” so much when you guys were dancing :)

  3. Hey Rach,
    I second what “Simon says” (dang, this sounds like a party game…)

    Would luuuurve to see you in Singapore in March… after I see you later this month!

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