Broken toes, product launch, amazing testimonial… oh my!

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So I broke my toe over the weekend. I was running to meet my friend, tripped over one of the bricks covering my garden… and next thing I know… PLUNK! I come up with leaves all over my hair, bloody hands… and a broken toe.

I’ve always had a high tolerance for pain so I ignored it and went to my surprise for the night – dinner with some of my best friends, great concert tickets… and then I caught up with another friend after the show.

It was a great time!

So after that… partially because I’m stubborn and partially because I needed to dedicate time to my new product launch (Mafioso Marketing! It’s a great product that I highly recommend…. AND we’re having a JV contest where you can win $5k in cash and $5k in prizes! Contact me at rachelrofe at if you’re interested)… I still haven’t gotten the toe checked out. I’ve been told you can’t really do anything for a broken toe anyway. :)


In other news, Brian and I were offering free sales letters for JV partners to get some quality mail-outs. To do so, we started collecting testimonials from past clients.

We got a ridiculous one from John Carlton!

“When I first met Brian and Rachel at my Copywriting Sweatshop seminar, I thought I’d have to rip their copy to shreds… and I did. But I also found two high-energy, creative copywriters with definite chops and solid marketing instincts, and they’re going to go far. For the right client – who is willing to overlook lack of experience in exchange for snagging a dedicated copywriting duo who are devoting themselves to learning the craft by studying and listening to veterans like me – this could be an opportunity to hire a two-for-one tsunami of blossoming talent and enthusiasm at a fraction of what they will soon be charging. They remind me of me when I first started out.

Are. You. Kidding. Me.??!@$%!$#@?

You can check the rest out here.


Alright… I’m off to go work on Mafioso. If you want it, you can get 25% off by entering coupon code “6BMB3Y7” (enter the Promo code after you get into the 2Checkout screen). :)

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0 thoughts on “Broken toes, product launch, amazing testimonial… oh my!”

  1. hahah… I love it. :)

    Jason, I just miss you so I’m taking it out on you via my blog.


    And that’s why, even though I adore you, I have to say…

    I was making JV videos for people…and I was going to make you one, but realized that I’m not a good ironer. :D

    Okay, okay, I’ll stop :)

  2. mounting, humping?


    WHAT have you kids been up to???

    PS: Rach, you should have a ‘subscribe to comments’ plugin installed, so this insanity can’t be stopped…

  3. I guess you spent so much time poking me that you forgot what grammar was.


    I noticed “somebody” but let it go!

    haha… I’m definitely the boss, buddy!

  4. Did I actually say “see you somebody soon”? What does that mean?

    Did you just yell at me?

    Hey, Piggyly, Piggly! Get off poor, little bunkins. You’ve already mounted him like three times today.

    I think he gets the message that you’re the boss bunny.

  5. yep, nuthin u can do for a broken toe unfortunately. I’ve had two.
    Endlessly poking someone on facebook doesn’t seem to help either. ;)

    see u somebody soon,
    big jason

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