Build a profitable company that makes the world better – with Dale Partridge

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Today, I speak with Dale Partridge, the creator of multiple multi-million dollar businesses including Sevenly, a clothing and design company that donates $7 of every purchase to charity.

In our conversation, we cover:

– How shifting his mindset from making lots of money to helping people lead Dale to creating $10 million in revenue, being featured on the covers of magazines, and traveling the world

– Dale’s golden rule for layoffs and why it’s crucial that we humanize the process

– The 4 eras most companies go through – including deception – and how to break the cycle so your company remains in the honest era for good

– Why more companies need to create a better version of capitalism that values people over profits (they’ll end up making more money in the long-run)

– How to develop effective leadership skills and have the courage to champion the causes you believe in

– Dale’s fear-fighting exercise…make a list of plan B options and build a safety net for yourself

…and a bit more about why, as consumers, we need to evaluate the integrity of the companies we support so we can shut down the deceitful ones and elevate the honest ones.

As always, please me know what you thought about this episode by pinging me on or :)

Links and Resources Mentioned:

People Over Profit: Break the System, Live with Purpose, Be More Successful – Dale’s book about how to create an effective company

Pinterest – Dale’s Pinterest account

Twitter – Dale’s Twitter profile

Jim Van Eerden – the chairman of Sevenly – company  that Dale founded to inspire positivity and change by donating a portion of its profits to a different nonprofit every week

Matthew Jacobson – a peer of Dale’s who blogs about marriage, parenting, church, and culture – Dale’s 12 month educational curriculum for aspiring entrepreneurs and bloggers who want to start their own businesses

The 5 Love Languages: The Secret to Love That Lasts – book Dale mentions about how he rejuvenates himself

The Daily Positive – Dale’s site geared towards combating depressing and anxiety by spreading awareness of positive messages – Dale’s website – website for Dale’s book

Instagram – Dale’s Instagram account

Facebook – Dale’s Facebook profile

Episode Transcript:

Click here to download the transcript of today’s episode.

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How to have a profitable business that makes the world a better place. There are some excellent tips in here - Dale is a HUGE inspiration!

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