Have I mentioned that I love L.A.?

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I’m writing a book for yayFOOD right now… and brought my recorder to the freaking beach! I was “writing a book” while strolling along the water. Can’t get any better than that. :)

In other news, I started belly dancing classes on Wednesday… had TONS of fun. The day before that I met a great girl at Starbucks who used to work at CBS radio. She asked me about my “Power Words” book by John Carlton, and we ended up talking for a while. Long story short – she’s going to get me a few radio spots for yayFOOD! :)

Businesswise, things are pretty stellar. JD, Brian and I launched a new challenge which has been going well. It’s all about membership sites, so I’m having a blast telling everyone everything that I’ve ever learned.

Some friends and I formed an awesome mastermind/goal accountability group too, which is going to be great. We had our first call on Sunday… and everyone on there is ridiculously talented and ambitious… so only good things will come out of it.

…think that’s it for now. Hope everyone’s having a great New Year! :)

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0 thoughts on “Have I mentioned that I love L.A.?”

  1. Ack, I forgot to respond to these!

    Chris, I love Yanik’s postings. He’s awesome. :)

    Glen, Oprah… works for me! ;) So glad the teleseminar went well, you’re so fantastic at getting stuff done! Keep me updated :)

  2. Hi Rach,
    Sounds like you’re having a blast!

    I predict that in a couple of years you will be on the Oprah show with Yay Foods. What do u think? lol.

    By the way, thanks for your tips the other week. It was really helpful. I ran my first teleseminar on the 13th. Went fairly well.

    Betta go
    Bye for now!

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