How I Use SEO To Get Traffic… (And What Works Even Better!)

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Hey everyone! I’m on my honeymoon right now, but had this auto-scheduled to go out June 7th :)

This blog post is another one that I tried to make on the plane, but unfortunately, it was WAY too loud.

Someone recently asked me about my SEO strategy and what I do to get ranked.

Truth be told, I am NOT a big SEO person. I don’t know very much about SEO and I don’t really care to. :) I do know enough to get top 10 rankings for niche sites though, and that’s the main thing I use it for.

If you’re interested in how to get ratings for competitive sites, I think the best resource out there, from what I’m told, is Bring The Fresh. A lot of SEO products will tell you not to try to rank for super-competitive terms, but the guys at BTF not only did it… but they ranked for it very quickly. They say most people make SEO look a LOT harder than it is, and I think that’s the case too. And the guys at BTF teach SEO in a way that’s not overwhelming at all.

Anyway, what I do, that works pretty well, is:

1. I use Angela‘s and Paul‘s backlinks. If you’re not familiar with them, here’s how it works: these places are basically services that show you where you can post links that Google thinks highly of. For example, maybe they find an NBC article that has a high page rank. They’ll tell you about it, you can post on there with a link to your website, and then Google sees your link associated with NBC. Google sees you as more of an authority site and thus rank you higher in the search engines.

I use an amazing guy named Shaon to post links for me. He happens to have more availability, so if you want to hire him, scoop him up! The guy is INCREDIBLE and was Bangladesh’ top freelancer of the year. His email is (I get nothing for sharing that).

2. SENuke is a GREAT tool I have my traffic outsourcer do. I don’t know a lot of the details but I know whenever he uses it, our rankings go WAY up.

3. We convert all of our articles into Powerpoints, read them out loud and make videos of them, and then post them to video sharing sites. This helps us leverage the same content in many different formats. (You could also post them as podcasts, which I *think* we’re doing but am honestly not sure).

This alone works pretty decently, especially in small niches.

Honestly though, we do a LOT better with our affiliate program than SEO. If you missed the (free) post I created on how we got 2,536 affiliates, you can check it out here.

And if you have any other internet marketing questions, please feel free to ask them! I’m happy to answer (almost) anything!

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0 thoughts on “How I Use SEO To Get Traffic… (And What Works Even Better!)”

  1. Very good post! We are linking to this particularly great content on our site.
    Keep up the great writing.

  2. “Truth be told, I am NOT a big SEO person” to get traffic, you don’t have to be ‘a big SEO person’. SEO is simpler than most of the newbies think, it’s not a rocket science. If you learn a few basic aspects, and always come up with unique and media-rich content (considering the post-Panda Scenario); search engines will bless you with traffic.


  3. SEO is really one of the best ways to improve your traffic.. thanks for the post, i took some notes from it for my future references..

  4. Well Done for this .

    I agree with Stefan. I have used a lot of back links services in the past and they don’t seem to be working. Does anyone know anything about viral marketing? How does this work?

    Anne J Goodard

    1. Hey Anne! Hrmph, viral marketing… basically that’s just creating something that people want to share with others. For example I have a plugin at that does that, or any of those Google+ plugins.. anything that makes people want to share your stuff = stellar. :)

  5. Hi there

    Congratulations from the UK.

    I must admit I am with Stefan a bit! I have used Pauls backlinks service with the forum profile links and after 3 months never saw a single link show up anywhere. Do you know whether they have any bearing on SEO even if they dont show up anywhere? I have tried Backlink Watch and Site Explorer.

    Love the idea of turning articles into video – am off to give that a go


    Jonathan Lake

    1. Woah somehow I totally missed this!

      I am not sure if those links have a bearing on SEO if they don’t show up anywhere, but I’d have to imagine probably not.

      Do you use SENuke at all? Jon at has been getting some great results for people!

  6. Hey Rachel , congratulations!

    1. I don’t want to be the someone that says bad things about angela and paul’s backlinks, I agree that their links are powerful, but the chances that those profiles to remain PR 0 are 90 % unless you contribute to all communities that you sing up for every moth, which is a bit impossible. All I’m trying to say is that you can geet better links. Mention that I used and I’m still using their links.

    2. You’re blue-print very good, very powerful. Good Job!

    Have fun on your honeymoon ! :D

  7. Congratulations! You guys are too cute. Hope you are enjoying the honeymoon.

    I hired Shaon about 30 seconds after I saw this post – thanks for the resource.

    Would love to hear more about how you use SENuke.


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