I’m such a nerd….

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But I can’t sleep.

I’m so excited for this photo shoot!

I think I would’ve been fine… but I was doing some research yesterday and found out that Woman’s World is apparently the 50th most circulated magazine in the country. According to this, it’s more popular than Rolling Stone, the New Yorker, Forbes, and Vogue!

I had no idea!

In other news, here’s some random pictures…

A few from San Diego zoo:



They have traffic lights in San Diego that tell you when to merge!!! Tell me that’s not ridiculously cool.

traffic light

And this is even cooler!!! I started pumping my gas, and the gas pump started singing to me. After it was done, it put on some CNN!!! I just had to take a picture:

…alright, I’m going to try and get some work done now or something.

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0 thoughts on “I’m such a nerd….”

  1. Ack… Jack and Jason, your comments went straight to my Spam folder! I just noticed these comments.

    Jack, I’m in the middle of massively upgrading the site, but if you email me at rachelrofe at gmail.com, I’ll give you access to everything that’s in the old one. It’s about to be 376432 times better and I CAN’T WAIT!

    Jason, that’s okay… I hope everything’s great with your car now… and I definitely don’t blame you for wanting to hang out with Alison!

    I can’t say that I didn’t miss you though. :) I hope we get to hang out sometime soon! I’m not going to be making the Kegger, but I should be back in Cali sometime soon. :)

    You’re not going to JV Alert, are you?

  2. Andrew – Long time, no talk! How’ve you been?

    I don’t know how all this great stuff is happening, but I’m not complaining!

    Actually… as far as this specific thing… who knows if it’s true, but I read Joe Vitale’s Attractor Factor with an open mind and decided to see if I could “manifest” getting rid of my $52 debt (cheers for putting school on credit cards). A few days later, I get that email.

    Are they related? Who knows. All I know is that the more successful people that I talk to and read about, the more I find out that they’re into spirituality and Law Of Attraction (although they don’t always call it that.)

    Your birthday is coming up! Happy Birthday if we don’t talk before then :)

    Jason – They were adorable! The polar bear was my favorite, though. :)

  3. Hey Rachel,

    Sorry I didn’t make it to S.F.

    My car blew it’s water pump and leaked all over the
    crankshaft sensor and had to send it to the shop.

    Was really bummed and decided to just stay home considering
    Alison got home after being gone 5 weeks.

    Hope you have fun on the rest of your Cali trip.

    Take care,


  4. that’s really cool, I like the gas pump. that’s funny. great pictures too (it’s cool to see what a big difference in the weight). recently I lost about 45 pounds but still have another 30 or so I want to lose. where can I find your membership site? I’m interested in taking a look at it.

  5. that’s really cool, I like the gas pump. that’s funny. great pictures too (it’s cool to see what a big difference in the weight). recently I lost about 45 pounds but still have another 30 or so I want to lose. where can I find your weight loss site? I’m interested in taking a look at it.

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