It’s Time To Check In – Here’s My 2018 3/4 Year Review

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In today’s post, I’m going to share how my sales are doing as we gear up for Quarter 4.

I’ll go over:

  • My Amazon and Etsy sales numbers so far this year
  • Which types of products have sold the best on Amazon (and how many they sold)
  • How I’m getting ready for the holiday season, where the bulk of sales come

QUICK DISCLAIMER: This post covers my my print-on-demand income from Amazon and Etsy. It’s not including anything about my marketing courses, eBay income, warehouse, stocks, etc – this is strictly Amazon and Etsy.

Time sensitive: If you want to supercharge your holiday season sales, click here to sign up for the Jumpstart webinar.

That said, let’s jump into the review…

Here are my 2018 quarters 1-3 sales details

So far, for Amazon, for September so far, I’ve grossed $268,805.82 in mostly passive income.

$268k so far – this should double in Quarter 4.

This should double in quarter 4.

For Etsy, stats have been thus far:

Store #1: $7,276.11
Store #2: $8,162.88
Store #3: $815.81
Store #4: $42.90
Store #5: $2,648.83
Store #6: $9,002.43

That’s $27,948.96 more so far. And a few of those stores are newer / I just started putting more time into them. This number should more than double for Q4.

For Amazon, my best-sellers are:

Best-seller #1 – 11oz white mug (1731 orders so far)
Best-seller #2 – 15oz white mug (1178 orders so far)
Best-seller #3 -15oz white mug (968 orders so far)
Best-seller #4 – Travel mug (437 orders so far)
Best-seller #5 – Travel mug (423 orders so far)
Best-seller #6 -11oz white mug (381 orders so far)
Best-seller #7 -11oz white mug (335 orders so far)
Best-seller #8 -11oz white mug (271 orders so far)
Best-seller #9 -11oz white mug (268 orders so far)
Best-seller #10 -11oz black mug (204 orders so far)

There have been 17,266 orders thus far for January 1 through September so far, and these top 10 make up 35.88% of all orders.

Here’s what I’m doing to make my 2018 Q4, and this year’s holiday season, even better

To ensure my sales numbers are strong and my business is efficient during the holiday rush, I’m going to do a few key things to prepare:

Step 1: I’ll be sending more products to FBA (Fulfilled by Amazon).

I love doing this because every mug that’s in FBA is one I don’t need to worry about fulfilling later, plus mugs with the “Prime” label make more sales.

Step 2: I’ll be adding in more designs. The more designs you have, the more opportunity to identify new niches.

Step 3: I’ll continue looking for the best possible niches with SpotNiches.

I’m so in love with that tool.

It shows you what people want to pay for, but isn’t available for them to buy yet…

So that YOU can create the product and make the easy sales.

Those are my 3 big action steps. And if you read my mid-year review, you’ll see that nothing has changed. Those are the same big action steps I identified last time, because they’re what works.

What about you? Do you want my help for quarter 4? 

I’m re-launching my Jumpstart Coaching Program this week for a limited number of people. Jumpstart is a high-end package that gives you everything you need to make your fourth quarter a success. The package includes…

  • 200 done-for-you designs
  • free mugs shipped to Amazon for you
  • SpotNiches software (!)
  • GearBubble credits
  • planning resources
  • laser coaching
  • accountability
  • and some behind-the-scenes looks at advanced strategies I’m testing out.

If you’d like to get a lot more sales during Quarter 4, I highly recommend you click here to learn more.

Jumpstart is available for a limited-time only, so I’d recommend you go through it ASAP — even if you’re just a little bit curious.

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