July 2018 Brags

July brags

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Welcome to the newest installment of my brag posts. These are informal posts that help me celebrate what goes on each month and stay present instead of only focusing on the next big thing I could be doing.

In no particular order, here are some big wins from July:

1. On July 1st I flew with my nephew to California, then flew him back on July 28th. We spent an incredible month on a SoCal tour. First we went to L.A., then Disneyland, then San Diego. I feel very grateful that my schedule is flexible and abundant enough to make this happen.

The picture here is of Don and Gabe playing on a swingset we found near a beach that we were playing in.

Our entire trip was magnificent and filled us with great memories.

And bonus – we got rid of my nephew’s addiction to sugar while he was there, and made great progress on his reading.

2. I closed on a new house! I have some investment houses but never bought a house to live in, and I LOVE THIS PLACE. I’m so thrilled to be able to pay for this dream home.

The picture here is of the driveway I found when I walked in on closing day. :)

3. I created a new gratitude list every morning in July except for one day while we were switching locations. Creating those lists really help center my mornings and I love making them.

4. I spent the entire month on my superclean eating plan. I was only supposed to go to mid-July to finish out 30 days but because I was feeling so great on the plan I’ve continued it.

I’ve been eating high quality meats and veggies, limited fruit, no dairy, no gluten, and still intermittent fasting everyday.

During the process I’ve also learned to make some new foods like the duck pictured here.

5. We hired a new production manager at the warehouse. He has a ton of experience and knowhow and is going to be an INCREDIBLE addition to the team.

We’ve had a lot of management shake-ups recently and I think they’re going to all contribute to a significantly stronger foundation.

6. Speaking of the warehouse – we shipped out over 50,000 items (not including our fulfillment clients) in July. It was less than in June but summer is always slower for us, and 50k items is still a pretty cool feat.

7. I went to Chicago for a quarterly mastermind meeting with my mentor. It was effective and super helpful, as always.

8. I re-wrote my vision that I’d like in my life and recorded it for my Sister Circle to help hold it for me. Clarity is key and spending time on this is a big win.

9. My investments continue to increase in value. My stocks on Robinhood are increasing in value, crypto is stable and Wealthfront is currently showing a 30.9% money-weighted and 34.6% time-weighted return.

10. The weekly webinars for Jumpstart members are going great and LHS and both groups are still showing great results. Here are some of the shares from July:

I think that’s it for now. A lot of my time in July was spent enjoying beaches and playing with my nephew which felt pretty dang awesome. :)

July brags

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