Just when I thought it couldn’t get any better…

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So I have a membership site about weight loss. As I mentioned in the last entry, I lost 100 pounds, so it’s a passion for me.

Anyway, a lady from Woman’s World found my SALES LETTER and wrote to me and asked if I’d be interested in being in the magazine.

(If nothing else, this is going to be huge for my copywriting business. All she did was look at the sales letter and then contact me!)

We talked back and forth… and next thing I know.. I’m going to be on the cover of Woman’s World Magazine!

They’re doing an entire story on me! They’re flying me out to Los Angeles on Friday where I’m going for my shoot. They’re doing hair, makeup, and clothes.. and then I’ll be interviewed by a writer once I’m done with the pictures.

I don’t know for sure if I can advertise the membership site yet in the article, but like I said…

-It’ll be huge for my copywriting business

-I can advertise the fact that I was in Woman’s World on the sales letter

-I’ll be on the cover of a magazine!!!!

Have I mentioned that I love my life?

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0 thoughts on “Just when I thought it couldn’t get any better…”

  1. Hey Rachel,

    First, congratulations with all the success you’ve
    had so far.

    My name is Gregg Gillies. I’m a fitness writer, publisher
    and trainer.

    I’ve been writing for Body Talk magazine for 4 years.
    I also publish a couple of email newsletters that go out to
    over 19,000 people and I have a number of sites.

    I’ve done a number of interviews with fitness models,
    competitors and trainers such as Elaine Seth, Ashley
    Lawrence and Jennfier Searles.

    I recently completed one with Marzia Prince for the
    newest issue of Body Talk magazine

    My newsletter and site readers love these interviews. I
    will alsolink to your site from the interview

    Congratulations again on your success and continued success
    in the future.

    I look forward to hearing from you.

    Talk soon,

    Gregg Gillies

  2. Jake,

    The site is currently at http://www.yayfood.com... but what it looks like now is COMPLETELY un-indicative of what it’s going to look like soon. I’m working with a programming team, getting rid of the long sales letter approach, and implementing a plethora of new features.

    I can’t WAIT for it to be done!

    If you’re interested in being an affiliate, please send me an email at rachelrofe at gmail.com and I’ll let you know when everything goes live.

    (I’m also getting rid of Clickbank because they don’t offer the option to do the $1 trial (which increases conversions tenfold)).

  3. Hamida,

    WOW! That’s incredible!! I’m so excited. :) Thanks so much for letting me know your experiences! You’ve pumped me up even more!

    I’m definitely planning on getting ready for the traffic, getting a dedicated server, etc.

    And by the way – if you want to be an affiliate for this, it’s recurring payments! :) Let me know!

  4. That’s fantastic. You just have no idea the readership that Womans World magazine gets. I was promoting a diet website as an affiliate and the month the diet was advertised in Woman’s World I had 40 times more sales than normal! My traffic went through the roof!

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