Learn more about 13 of the top-rated solutions in the Amazon Marketplace Appstore

Have you checked out the Amazon Marketplace Appstore? Discover 13 highly rated solutions for your business

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As an entrepreneur, the pursuit of ways to improve your business can be never-ending (though hopefully you largely keep it simple with the LHS model). But especially if your goal is to scale, you need to automate certain processes and be as organized and efficient as possible.

Some people get help through team members or outsourcers, which are great. Another resource you can use is the Amazon Marketplace Appstore.

The Appstore includes a ton of different apps, or solutions as they’re often called, that serve a variety of purposes aimed at saving you time and energy and streamlining your business processes.

You can access the Amazon Marketplace Appstore using this link. Or, just click the Appstore tab inside your Seller Central account.

Have you checked out the Amazon Marketplace Appstore? Discover 13 highly rated solutions for your business

The Appstore has 13 categories of app solutions, and each category includes numerous apps for you to choose from. Some apps have several functions and will be found in multiple categories. Each app also comes with a star rating, although many haven’t been reviewed yet.

Here are the categories you’ll find in the Appstore:

  • Listing
  • Automated Pricing
  • Inventory and Order Management
  • Shipping Solutions
  • Advertising
  • Promotions
  • Product Research and Scouting
  • Feedback and Reviews
  • Buyer/Seller Messaging
  • Analytics and Reporting
  • Accounting and Tax Remittance
  • Ecommerce Solution Connectors
  • Full-Service Solutions

To give you a better feel for the kinds of solutions you can find to grow your business, I decided to round up the highest-rated apps and provide a brief overview, including pricing information and links to where you can learn more.

NOTE: I haven’t necessarily tried all the apps on this list. I am simply reporting on those that are rated highly, not on those I personally endorse.

Also, as a word of caution for any apps that facilitate contacting customers to provide updates or ask for feedback, make sure that you adhere to Amazon’s policies, which you can review here and here. The last thing you want is to get in trouble with Amazon in the thick of the holiday season!

That said, let’s check out the list of highly-rated Marketplace apps.

Seller Nexus 

Recommended for feedback and reviews and buyer/seller messaging.

Have you checked out the Amazon Marketplace Appstore? Discover 13 highly rated solutions for your business

Seller Nexus is a tool for feedback and email automation. It offers several features that assist with routine business tasks, such as tracking negative product and seller feedback and managing customer emails. These features include…

  • Intelligent email sending – learn the ideal time to contact customers
  • Real product tracking – track orders with UPS, USPS, and FedEx carriers and email customers when their orders are delivered
  • Email creation wizard – easily create customizable emails
  • Custom email triggers – filter your audience and set up different types of email campaigns
  • Automatic blacklisting – exclude certain customers from your email list (if you want)
  • Comprehensive analytics – learn important stats about how your business is going

*Seller Nexus is available only for Professional Seller Central accounts.


Seller Nexus offers the following pricing plans:

  • Beginner – Free
  • Plan A – $12.99 a month
  • Plan B – $34.99 a month
  • Plan C – $79.99 a month

Have you checked out the Amazon Marketplace Appstore? Discover 13 highly rated solutions for your business

Feedback Whiz

Recommended for feedback and reviews, buyer/seller messaging, and analytics and reporting.

Have you checked out the Amazon Marketplace Appstore? Discover 13 highly rated solutions for your business

Feedback Whiz is a tool that helps sellers simplify and enhance their business by repairing feedback issues, improving reviews, and automating high-volume emails. Here’s what this tool can do:

  • Order management – sync and organize all of your orders, customer data, and order metrics on one platform
  • Product reviews – view all of your product reviews on one screen and receive notifications whenever a negative review comes in
  • Feedback – craft custom emails and campaigns to optimize positive reviews and address negative reviews asap
  • Email automation – create email sequences for specific products and customer behavior including engaging add-ons, like gifs, emojis, attachments, and custom HTML
  • Analytics – learn key insights about your business and perform A/B tests for your campaigns
  • Monitoring and notifications – get notified about seller feedback, reviews, listing title changes, buy box changes, hijackers, and product returns


Feedback Whiz offers the following pricing plans:

  • Free
  • Starter – $19.99 a month
  • Basic – $39.99 a month
  • Professional – $79.99 a month
  • Ultimate – $139.99 a month

Have you checked out the Amazon Marketplace Appstore? Discover 13 highly rated solutions for your business

FeedbackFive by eComEngine 

Recommended for feedback and reviews, buyer/seller messaging, and analytics and reporting.

Have you checked out the Amazon Marketplace Appstore? Discover 13 highly rated solutions for your business

As you can see from the image above, FeedbackFive helps you earn more seller feedback and product reviews. Here’s what it does:

  • Monitors both your ASINs and your competitors’ ASINs and offers reviews, feedback, and email campaign analytics
  • Notifies you about negative feedback and reviews
  • Lets you customize every email you send with things like product images and information, a branded email header, and animated GIFs
  • Provides email segmentation, templates that have been translated into different languages (including German, French, Spanish, and Italian), and email timing triggers based on your order and delivery dates


FeedbackFive offers the following pricing plans:

  • Lite – Free
  • Basic – $9.99 a month
  • Pro – $29.99 a month
  • Enterprise – $59.99 a month

Have you checked out the Amazon Marketplace Appstore? Discover 13 highly rated solutions for your business


Recommended for inventory and order management, advertising, feedback and reviews, analytics and reporting, and accounting and tax remittance.

Have you checked out the Amazon Marketplace Appstore? Discover 13 highly rated solutions for your business

SellerBoard has several functions. But it is primarily used as a profit analytics and inventory management tool. SellerBoard helps you save time and increase your profits by focusing on your most profitable products and better managing your finances based on your key performance indicators (KPIs). SellerBoard includes the following features:

  • Live dashboard – here, you’ll find important information, like Amazon fees, PPC spend, and your return, promotion, and fixed costs
  • Configurable charts – these let you quickly and easily analyze your KPIs (sales, units, profit, return costs, and more)
  • Cashflow – this tool helps you manage and forecast your cash so you can better plan and make decisions about your business
  • PPC dashboard – here, you can see your daily profits in real-time or for any time period or for a specific product you want; you’ll also see a few important indicators that aren’t available in Seller Central, including estimated profit, break-even ACOS, and the break-even bid

SellerBoard offers the following pricing plans:

  • Standard – $19 a month
  • Professional – $29 a month
  • Business – $39 a month
  • Enterprise – $79 a month

You can get started with a free 1-month trial.

Have you checked out the Amazon Marketplace Appstore? Discover 13 highly rated solutions for your business

A2X for QuickBooks and Xero Accounting 

Recommended for accounting and tax remittance.

Have you checked out the Amazon Marketplace Appstore? Discover 13 highly rated solutions for your business

A2X provides automated accounting and bookkeeping services, which can save you a lot of time each month. A2X grabs all of your Amazon settlement transactions and posts a summary of the revenue, expenses, and other transactions to your cloud accounting system. You get an email confirmation after each settlement letting you know your bookkeeping has been completed. A2X is accurate and reliable, reconciling Amazon settlements down to the penny.

A2X also does the following:

  • Matches sales to inventory costs
  • Calculates your FBA inventory value
  • Provides your gross margins and gross profitability for each settlement
  • Tracks your Amazon FBA stock locations


A2X offers the following pricing plans:

  • Mini – $19 a month
  • Starter – $49 a month
  • Standard – $69 a month
  • Premium – $139 a month

You can get started with a free trial.

Have you checked out the Amazon Marketplace Appstore? Discover 13 highly rated solutions for your business

Quantify Ninja 

Recommended for inventory and order management and buyer/seller messaging.

Have you checked out the Amazon Marketplace Appstore? Discover 13 highly rated solutions for your business

The creators of Quantify Ninja are Amazon sellers themselves, and their platform includes a variety of tools aimed at helping you increase your Amazon conversions and turning your customers into repeat buyers. Quantify Ninja includes a whole bunch of different tools that serve a variety of functions, including…

  • Business intelligence with tools that include Profits Manager, Orders Data, ROI calculations, and more
  • Keyword optimization
  • Stopping losses, including getting money back from Amazon and preventing list hijacking
  • Adding gains with tools like Automated Messaging, Coupons, and Virtual Salesperson

Quantify Ninja also includes a virtual Facebook bot, which helps you drive traffic from your Facebook business page to your Amazon store. The bot is an intuitive conversation tool that, among other things, can give out single-use coupons and follow up with your customers on Facebook after they’ve made a purchase.


Quantify Ninja offers the following pricing plans:

  • Premium Ninja – $35 a month
  • Master Ninja – $55 a month

You can get started with a free 30-day trial.

Have you checked out the Amazon Marketplace Appstore? Discover 13 highly rated solutions for your business

Accounting for Quickbooks by Entriwise 

Recommended for inventory and order management, and accounting and tax remittance.

Have you checked out the Amazon Marketplace Appstore? Discover 13 highly rated solutions for your business

This is another automated accounting and bookkeeping tool and it shares some similarities to the previously mentioned A2X. Accounting for Quickbooks…

  • Imports and automatically reconciles all of your Amazon transactions, including orders, refunds, fees, and reimbursements
  • Enables you to adjust the frequency of your imports to occur hourly, daily, per statement cycle, or whenever you’d like
  • Spares you from having to deal with journal entries and worrying about double bookings or discrepancies, as the imports are always the same as your Amazon reports

*This tool is available for all sellers who use Quickbooks Online, Desktop, or Desktop Enterprise.


Accounting for Quickbooks offers the following pricing plans:

  • Basic – $15 a month
  • Lite – $55 a month
  • Pro – $90 a month

Amazon sellers whose monthly sales are less than $1,000 can use this tool for free.

Have you checked out the Amazon Marketplace Appstore? Discover 13 highly rated solutions for your business


Recommended for listing, advertising, promotions, and product research and scouting.

Have you checked out the Amazon Marketplace Appstore? Discover 13 highly rated solutions for your business

Seller.Tools comes with a variety of features to help you take your Amazon business to the next level. Here are some of its features that save you time and let your business run on autopilot:

  • Keyword Manager – manage tens of thousands of keywords and find hidden gems using brand analytics and Amazon data so you can feel confident about your keyword decisions
  • Product Research – use Prizm, the most accurate database of Amazon product research insights, to create the most sought after, winning products
  • PPC Management – better manage, streamline, and automate your Amazon advertising account with this feature
  • Listing Manager – discover the optimal keywords to prioritize in your listings using Amazon data so you can beat the competition
  • Alerts – get real-time alerts about things like color variations, title and weight changes, Buy Box status, BSR for ASIN, the presence of hijackers, and more

*Seller.Tools is available only for Professional Seller Central accounts.


Seller.Tools offers the following pricing plans:

  • Lite – $57 a month
  • Starter – $97 a month
  • Professional – $197 a month
  • Growth – $297 a month

You can get started with a 14-day free trial.

Have you checked out the Amazon Marketplace Appstore? Discover 13 highly rated solutions for your business


Recommended for automated pricing.

Have you checked out the Amazon Marketplace Appstore? Discover 13 highly rated solutions for your business

Informed.co uses advanced repricing algorithms with customization options to offer effective repricing solutions for all types of business models. These solutions help sellers increase their Buy Box ownership, automate their price changes, and maximize their profits. With Informed.co, you stay ahead of the competition using the following algorithms:

  • Get the Buy Box algorithm
  • Sales Velocity algorithm
  • Compete with Featured Merchants algorithm
  • Compete with Lowest Price algorithm

Or, you can build your own strategy that best meets your business’ needs.


Informed.co offers the following pricing plans:

  • Starter – $99 a month
  • Growth – $199 a month
  • Professional – $299 a month

You can get started with a 14-day free trial.

Have you checked out the Amazon Marketplace Appstore? Discover 13 highly rated solutions for your business

Have you checked out the Amazon Marketplace Appstore? Discover 13 highly rated solutions for your business

Have you checked out the Amazon Marketplace Appstore? Discover 13 highly rated solutions for your business

River Cleaner

Recommended for listing, inventory and order management, and promotions.

Have you checked out the Amazon Marketplace Appstore? Discover 13 highly rated solutions for your business

Using machine learning technology, River Cleaner studies Amazon data points and lets you know what’s been working well with your listings and the rest of your business, and what needs tweaking. It includes the following features:

  • Keyword index checker
  • Keyword tracker
  • Earnings calculator
  • Terms of service and trademark check
  • LSI keyword research
  • Personalized emails
  • Easy listing audit
  • Mobile preview

These features help you do things like…

  • Learn what customers are searching for
  • Discover competitor keywords you missed
  • Track your keywords’ positions and relevancy
  • Find out if you’re using any forbidden keywords
  • Learn which keywords or phrases aren’t indexed for search
  • Fix any capitalization or punctuation issues as required by Amazon with a click
  • Create custom email follow-ups
  • And more

*River Cleaner is available only for Professional Seller Central accounts.


River Cleaner offers the following pricing plans:

  • 1 child ASIN limit – $27 a month
  • 5 child ASIN limit – $37 a month
  • 10 child ASIN limit – $57 a month
  • 25 child ASIN limit – $97 a month
  • 100 child ASIN limit – $197 a month

You can get started with a 7-day free trial.

Have you checked out the Amazon Marketplace Appstore? Discover 13 highly rated solutions for your business


Recommended for listing, inventory and order management, advertising, and product research and scouting.

Have you checked out the Amazon Marketplace Appstore? Discover 13 highly rated solutions for your business

SellerApp is a data analytics platform that helps you improve your business in a number of ways:

  • It helps you find the best products to sell using its Product Idea tool and Product Research tool, which collects thousands of data points each day so you can find the best niches and make the best product decisions
  • It has a Keyword Research tool, which tells you the search volume, competition, and seasonal trends of each keyword
  • With its Listing Quality tool, you get actionable listing improvement recommendations
  • And the PPC Analyzer mines for keywords that convert and automatically flags negative search terms


SellerApp offers the following pricing plans:

  • Professional – $199 a month
  • Business – $399 a month
  • Enterprise – $549 a month

You can get started with a 7-day free trial.

Have you checked out the Amazon Marketplace Appstore? Discover 13 highly rated solutions for your business

Seller Motor

Recommended for listing, advertising, and product research and scouting.

Have you checked out the Amazon Marketplace Appstore? Discover 13 highly rated solutions for your business

Seller Motor was founded by top 1% Amazon sellers and it helps you do the following:

  • Use product analytics to find potentially successful products to sell
  • Manage your Amazon advertising and sponsored products long-term using SmartPPC
  • Sort and optimize your keywords
  • Analyze your category performance
  • Offer market insights
  • And more

*Seller Motor is compatible only with Chrome-based browsers.


Seller Motor offers the following pricing plans:

  • Free
  • Essential – $59 a month
  • Professional – $119 a month

Have you checked out the Amazon Marketplace Appstore? Discover 13 highly rated solutions for your business

Seller Snap Game Theory Repricer

Recommended for automated pricing.

Have you checked out the Amazon Marketplace Appstore? Discover 13 highly rated solutions for your business

Seller Snap is another repricing solution for Amazon sellers. The solutions it provides are based on…

  • Game Theory tactics (a more cooperative strategy)
  • Extensive analytics
  • And business intelligence

Seller Snap applies the best solutions for each of your listings so you stay competitive while you…

  • Avoid price wars
  • Gain more Buy Box share
  • And liquidate slow-selling inventory

Seller Snap also offers advanced repricing tools for more advanced sellers, allowing them to have more control and fine-tune their listings. With the advanced tools, sellers can choose to reprice based on a related ASIN or a specific competitor.

*Seller Snap is available only for Professional Seller Central accounts.


Seller Snap offers the following pricing plans:

  • Standard – $500 a month
  • Premium – $800 a month
  • Unlimited – contact Seller Snap

You can get started with a 15-day free trial.

Have you checked out the Amazon Marketplace Appstore? Discover 13 highly rated solutions for your business

Have you checked out the Amazon Marketplace Appstore? Discover 13 highly rated solutions for your business

What do you think of this list of solutions from the Amazon Marketplace Appstore? Have you tried any of these before? If so, what results did you get? Leave a comment below to tell me about your experiences! And if you enjoyed this post, please consider sharing it with your followers.  

Have you checked out the Amazon Marketplace Appstore? Discover 13 highly rated solutions for your business

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