Limping And Laughing….

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It’s been a while since I’ve posted… I’ve missed you!

Just wanted to share a quick story from the other day. :)

One day last week, I was having a phenomenal day. I had a great conversation with a woman I met at a cafe, weather was FANTASTIC, work was going well… and everything just seemed to be falling into place.

When I drove home, I got out of my car with a ton of things in hand – my laptop, my purse, my big jug of water, and a few other things.

I had a long dress on, and somewhere along the way, I tripped and fell.

I nearly hit my face on the driveway. My jug burst open and water was sopping from my face and hair. My toe got so hurt that the toenail ended up getting dislodged completely.

I had to limp all the way to the front door… and I was in PAIN.

I still have bruises.

And you know what?

My first thought was, “Nice try universe… I’m going to stay in a good mood anyway!”

Talk about liberating.

Beforehand, I’d have definitely let that take me into a negative downward spiral, only delivering me more bad things…

But I decided to let this be a blip on the radar… and now look, it gave me inspiration for a blog post!

Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it, right? :)

Sending you lots of love!


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