More Positive Things

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I didn’t forget about the positive things! (As always, if you don’t know what I’m doing, please click here.)

They’re kind of shabby today because I had an unexpected emergency that took me away for a few hours… but that’s okay. :)

1. I caught up on almost all my email this morning. I scheduled 3 hours to do it… but it got done! YAY!

2. I had another awesome workout. I’ve always pushed myself really hard, but after Warrior Camp, I really don’t let myself get away with much at all. :)

3. I’m going to catch up with some people from Warrior Camp on Thursday in NYC. Very excited for this… I get to be in the energy
of positive people, *and* I go to one of my favorite stores ever (Century 21 – it’s this huuuuge high end clothing discount store).
Maybe I should make a WSO before I go. :) Did I tell you I got the dress from the other one btw? I loooove it, and need to take a
picture soon!

4. I researched and started implementing  more ways to bulk up my membership site. I can’t wait to get it launched! I wanted to implement more, but I got pulled away quickly when I found out about my best friend and her boyfriend. I’ll get a lot done tomorrow. :)

5. I’m suuupertired but came back to email you anyway. I keep telling myself that “When you only do things that are easy, life will be mighty mighty hard. When you’re willing to do things that are hard, life will be mighty mighty easy.” Haha… after Warrior Camp, I really do feel like Roda.

(Since nobody will get the Roda reference… a while ago, I told my good friend and founder of Coupon CuisineNathan Gilder, that someone had told me that I reminded them of Yoda. Nathan used to be a graphic designer, so he went right to work and made this picture:

I’ve actually never even seen that movie, although I still love the picture. :))

Okay, time for bed. :)

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