October 2018 Brags

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Welcome to my latest brag post, where I go over the previous month’s wins.

Here are some of last month’s big wins, in no particular order:

1. October included a lot of really fun travel. We went from PA to Vegas where Don hosted a marketing event and CRUSHED IT, then to Nashville where I met up with my mentor and mastermind group, then Kansas where we celebrated Don’s birthday, then back to PA.

We had a great time exploring each different place.

Vegas was fun because it was great to see Don do such a great job, hang out with the speakers that we love, and visit our old haunts.

This is a picture of some of the people at Don’s event:

From there we arrived in Nashville a day early and spent a bit of time exploring which was very fun, and on one of the nights at the mastermind we got a special private concert from some fabulous local Nashville artists. Here’s a video Don took of that night.

Kansas was great too, and I love our family and friends there. It was awesome catching up with people and I need to take better pictures when I’m in Kansas! We rented a very cool speakeasy-type home and had people come over each night to celebrate Don and hang out. We had a really good time there.

2. I hired an in-person Executive Assistant, Heather, to help me with a bunch of things personally and business-wise. She is a gem and has already helped a LOT, and I am so grateful to have less things on my plate. I’m already feeling huge effects from her presence.

3. We had a phenomenal meeting at CustomHappy where we got clear on our core values, our “big hairy 5 year goals”, and a lot more. It’s so nice to be on the same page with the managers, have no drama, and watch things going SO WELL there.

Here are our core values:

We are passionate about keeping every customer happy at every step.

We are committed to getting the job done and answerable for outcomes.

We bring our best to everything we do, and then stretch to go the extra mile.

Working together we amplify our ability to achieve our shared vision.

We are consistent and exceptional in all we do.

Our word is our bond and our actions the testament. We’re honest.

I just LOVE that it spells out “FAMILY”. ;)

Our “Why + What” is: ”We create and ship happiness to you and your customers with our best-in-class order fulfillment and our high-quality print-on-demand capabilities.”

4. Speaking of the warehouse, we had 212.88% business growth over October 2017 and shipped out over 57,000+ new items (not including our fulfillment business). They’re rocking and rolling over there!

5. A few affiliates promoted Low Hanging System and did well. It is always nice to bring in new people, especially when results still come in like this:

It feels very, very fulfilling to be part of this.

6. I filled out my gratitude list 27 of 31 days in October and worked on getting clarity 18 of 31 days.

7. The Jumpstart continues to do well and I am proud to offer it. People are getting excellent results which makes me very happy to see.

8. I hired a finance team that is doing a GREAT JOB already, and I am so so so SO happy to have clarity around my finances again. My past accountant got over-worked and stopped giving me things on time, and I am loving having monthly meetings and discussing P&Ls and looking at data and all the fun things. hehe. I am so happy to be on top of this again.

I think that’s everything for now. If you have any brags, please feel free to share away! I’d love to read about what you’ve got going on.

October brags

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