PLEASE READ if you’re trying to contact me via phone or Facebook…

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Thanks for coming here :) A couple things:

1. I lost ALL contacts on my phone. If you’d like me to have your number, please message me on Facebook. My VA is going to compile one big list and give it to me. That’s because…

2. I’m overwhelmed with Facebook messages! I’ve been getting so many messages for things I do NOT use Facebook for (people wanting me to promote their products, random event invites, support tickets, etc)… and I end up getting so many that I miss the good ones.

My VA will be checking all messages. If they’re personal to me, she’ll forward them on.

I hope this doesn’t offend anyone, but I don’t know what else to do. The alternative for me has been ignoring everything which is probably way more offensive.

I just don’t have an extra hour per day to sort through messages (or more correctly, I’m not willing to create that hour, because it’s my highest choice to be OFF the computer).

If anyone happens to have any other ideas of how to best handle this, please let me know.

I’ll still be responding to all comments/wall posts… those are much easier to navigate and I quickly de-friend anyone who spams on my wall. :)

Thank you for understanding!

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