Quick Post…

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You know you haven’t posted in a while when someone asks you to make a blog post as a birthday present to him. :)

I’ve been WAY busy lately, but here are some quick updates, which I can hopefully expound on soon…

-I’m going to Buenos Aires tomorrow for a month with my boyfriend (!!!).

Two things about that:

1. Buenos Aires – YAY!

2. Yes, boyfriend! And some people left some comments on the boyfriend test such as,

“I think you are beyond a qualities list and gone into the world of make believe.”


“I sincerely think you should settle for having at least two boyfriends ’cause you’ll hardly find all these traits in one single person.”


But I’m happy to say that Otto meets EVERYTHING on the test (except for blue eyes, but that’s okay), and a lot more. In fact, I told him I don’t even have the imagination to list out everything that he encompasses. Dude is INCREDIBLE – makes me really happy I waited for 4 years before getting into a new relationship. :)

– I sold yayFOOD! The new owner is a really incredible guy. He tried out the diet himself and has lost 12.5 pounds in 3 weeks! =)

There were quite a few people who bid on the site and I didn’t vibe with all of them – I think George (the new owner) is the best match, and am psyched for him.

– When I get back from BA, I think (you know my plans change all the time, but as of right now…) I’m going to get a home base in San Diego. Otto and I are possibly going to get a place together… depending on how we feel after BA. We’ve already been living together since early January and then we’ll be together all through February…

But who knows, maybe we’ll decide it’s better to have space when we get back. :)

– I’ve been working on an awesome new site that I’m super-stoked on, it’s about one of my passions and it’s something that’s pretty fulfilling to me. The site has been doing really well & I think it’s going to be my new baby.

Okay… guess that’s it for now, I have to go return my rental car and pick up our laundry before we peace out!

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0 thoughts on “Quick Post…”

  1. Hey Rach,
    Good to see you’re back.

    I think you’re being modest when you were talking about the number of people who mentioned you should put up a new post.

    Looking fwd to more posts from BA.

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