Reiki Training

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I randomly came across the “Record” button in Viddler, so I made a video!

This one’s about my recent Reiki training. I know Reiki isn’t the most “widespread” type thing, but… guess I just don’t care. ;)

The video’s not the best quality – not sure why – but it’s good enough, I think, so here it is:

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0 thoughts on “Reiki Training”

  1. Hi Rachel,
    I am a Reiki Master in the traditional Usui Shiki Ryoho lineage.
    I had been told by other masters, that many forms of Reiki have evolved and your description just reaffirmed those statements; Your description of technique was unlike any that I had heard before. Yet there is a message here, because while your technique is different, the experience of Love and Light is the same.
    Perhaps there is a metaphor here: Just as there are many forms of Life, yet all Life is composed of the same Energy of Light – there are many forms of Reiki, yet they all carry the same gift of Love.
    Many Blessings of Love and Light

    1. Sylvia,

      Thanks for your comment!

      It’s fascinating that your technique is different! I assumed there’d be many variations, but something “unlike what I had heard before” is really interesting! What’s so different about traditional Usui Shiki Ryoho?

      I love the metaphor at any rate, though! That’s a beautiful way of looking at it :)

      With love,

      1. Just one for example would be the chronic breathing – to me this sounds as if another type of energy work has been added into the Reiki training.
        But as I said, the technique is not important so much as the message “to share light and love with the intent of bringing well being to another being”
        “Being” BTW has many aspects also – you can give Reiki to your plants or a little different but still something that exists, your electronics. Try it the next time that your computer acts-up. :)
        Have a Happy!

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