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Random thoughts…

1. WordPress keep deleting my line breaks every time I click Publish, so I have to manually add them in. It’s annoying. Why is this?

2. New blog theme… I’m a fan.

3. I made a new site with reports in efforts to build my list. Find it here and give me your feedback!

4. Grrrr, it’s hard to type from the heart when I keep reminding myself to remember the line breaks…

5. Brian and I are running a mastermind together. I’m REALLY excited about it… it’ll be with this group that I build a new $10K passive income stream. The whole angle is “90 Days To $10K”… read more here (and if you apply before September 23, it’s 20% off).

6. I got my tickets to Madrid today!!! SO FREAKING EXCITED FOR EUROPE THAT I’LL TEMPORARILY FORGET ABOUT THE ANNOYING LINE BREAKS! I sent this email to Brian earlier today:email

(I think all the “dudes” make me sound insanely intelligent. :))

7. My birthday’s in 5 days. :)

8. GRRR linebreaks, I’m going to go work out..

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0 thoughts on “Restless”

  1. First of all – THANK YOU!

    If you want to be a member of yayFOOD, you know I’d happily give you an account!

    And as for WordPress – grrrr, what gives!?!? I checked Support out but couldn;t find anything conclusive.


  2. GORGEOUS new theme, girly-girl!
    The purple really appeals.

    I think I need to become a YayFood member, I’ve been saying “yay” to too much food lately ;)

    Enjoy Spain,

    PS. WordPress removes my line breaks too. WordPress, are you listening? There’s a bug here!

  3. Love the theme!

    I can’t tell you why WP does that, happens to me sometimes too.

    Tell me Rach… how can two technologically deficient individuals such as ourselves travel the world thanks to internet businesses? Some part of that equation just doesn’t add up.

    I’m going to chalk it up to being unusually awesome :D


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