So busy!

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I know it’s been a while since I’ve posted… I’ve been super-busy over here with all of my projects!


Mafioso Marketing has been doing pretty awesome as far as conversions… now we just need some TRAFFIC!

But allow me to shamelessly brag for a moment as I show you the sales letter conversion rates:

I know, I know. Awesome. :D

Actually, they’re slightly off with some demo purchases… but we were over 4% for a long time! :)


My weight loss site is going incredibly as well. The new design is almost done, and I’ll unveil it via my blog. You’re going to be ridiculously impressed… at least I am!

And hey, I got the best cancellation request ever the other day:

The magazine comes out soon. I still haven’t decided if I want to even look at it. We’ll see. :)


I’m leaving for Joe Polish’s seminar in Phoenix soon! I’m excited – there’s a lot of really awesome people that are going to be there. I’m rooming with Jaime (which is enough to make me ecstatic). However, I’ve also heard that there are a lot of other cool speakers and just… good-at-life people that are going to be showing up.

Tim Ferriss will be there too… I’ll have to not make an ass of myself this time. ;) Actually though, my idiocy has helped me get some JV partners. People seem to like me a lot better when I tell them what a drunken fool I was. :)


What else… ahh, Jaime had to push back Europe for a few months. I’m thinking that I’ll just leave myself, hang out for a few months, and catch up with her later. I don’t know that I can sit around and wait in Philadelphia much longer!

Speaking of Philly… I’m going to leave you with this hysterical (and true) article that should help people realize why I’m bursting at the seams to go explore.

It talks about how Philly is the least attractive, least stylish, least worldly, least active, and the fattest.

Oh, how could I forget… it’s also the least friendly.

Love it!

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0 thoughts on “So busy!”

  1. hahaha…

    First of all, I so knew someone was going to point that timestamp out… but Walt, I thought you were slightly cooler than that. My bad. ;) How’ve you been?!

    Brian… I was just about to call you! I haven’t talked to you all day, feels really weird!

    And Mr. Nathan… at least we won the CC challenge. :)

  2. “And sporting pride in a city known for the fierce loyalty of its fans has been hurt by not having had a national champion in any of its four main sports since the 76ers won the National Basketball Association title in 1983.”


    You better tell me if you’re on-board for CC, Ms Rofé. Things are movin’.

  3. Haha! Finally someone exposes Rachel Rofe!! If I had a blog this would permanently go on the first page :D

    Just kidding Rach, congrats on the success of your site- it’s great to see that you’re making a real difference in people’s lives.

  4. “I got the best cancellation request ever the other day”

    Liar! That was 38 years ago, look at the timestamp in the screenshot. God, you internet marketers… ;-)

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