Survey Results

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As promised, here are the survey results from late November. :)

I took a little time reporting because I wanted to take some time to really pore through everything. We had 750+ responses and people were VERY generous with their time and comments. Thank you so much.

The results here are a huge reason I got so fired up to create this coaching opportunity.

So without further ado, here’s what people said:

Question 1: Which of these things are you most interested in? Please check as many as you’d like.

Kindle + Book Publishing: 54%
List Building: 51%
Product Creation: 44%
Affiliate Marketing: 40%
Membership Sites: 36.4%
Outsourcing: 36%
Copywriting: 35.5%
Video Marketing: 34%
Productivity + Time Management: 33.7%
Mobile Marketing: 25.6%
Mindset: 22.67%
Accountability: 22.13%

We had 92 people add more responses to this. Here were the most popular words:


A lot of people gave me some extra great ideas that I’ll be working on implementing. :)

Question 2: How do you prefer learning?

PDF’s – 72.8%
Video – With an over-the-shoulder screen capture video – 63.87%
Blueprints – 34.8%
Case Studies – 33.47%
Video – showing you on a whiteboard – 30%
Audio – 22.5%
Live webinar training – 20.27%
Video (watching me talking to the video) – 17.33%
Interviews –  9.6%

This was an interesting one. I’m with you guys, I like PDF’s WAY better than videos. Whenever I teach via video, I always make sure to have the audio and transcript available too.

So many videos are full of fluff, and it’s excruciating to have to sit there and listen to tons of information that isn’t immediately applicable.

And while 20.27% chose that webinar training was their favorite way to go, 33.47% chose case studies and blueprints, which some webinars encompass. So this information will help me better choose the types of webinars to showcase to you, if I’m going to show any. :)

We had 124 people write in with extra comments too. Many of them asked me to provide one-on-one or group coaching, which is a big reason I created this.

In the comments, people mentioned they also really like checklists and step-by-step guides.

Question 3: How long have you been working on making money online?

1-3 years: 32%
3-5 years: 22%
5-10 years: 14%
6 months – 1 year: 11%
Longer than 10 years: 11%
0-6 months: 11%

Question 4: What are you currently earning online?

1 – $500/month: 45%
$0 – 32%
$500 – $1k/month – 9%
$1k-$2k/month – 6%
$2k – $5k/month – 5%
$5k – $10k/month – 2%
Over $10k/month – 1%

It surprised me that 77% of people are making between $0 – $500/month, but reading through the comments, I could see some patterns. This is yet another reason I felt inspired to do more coaching.

I was thrilled to see that most of the people making $1k/month+ are people I know pretty well… people who email with me back and forth. It made me feel incredible to see their successes. :)

For 2013, I want the 80/20 rule to be reversed… I want 80% of my list to be making more than $1k/month!

The next question made it even clearer on why most people aren’t yet making money:

Question 5: What’s your biggest frustration with internet marketing? (People could choose more than one.)

Too much information: 46.8%
Hard to focus: 43.73%
Too many people giving misinformation: 37.5%
Sales letters promising things and not delivering: 29.1%
Having a hard time getting started: 27.9%
Trying and it’s not working: 27.5%
It changes too quickly: 20%

“Too much information” and “focus” were two of the biggest problems for people, so it makes sense that 77% of people are making $500/month or less online.

I’m forever saying “If you chase two rabbits, both will escape” and this question was a perfect reminder of that.

A lot of people wrote in and said they had a tough time knowing who to believe, that there are lots of marketers with their own agenda.

I felt very honored to see many people told me in the comments they felt they could trust me. And I take that very seriously.

Question 6: Is there anything else you’d like me to know?

There was a LOT of information here.

The two things I found the most:

People asking me for coaching (request grantedcheck here).

People also thanked me a lot for being a voice they could trust, which made me feel incredible.

I got some phenomenal product ideas (look for a great Kindle one coming soon), and learned a lot about the amazing people reading my emails and communicating with me.

Thank you SO MUCH, again, for all of your help. You have my word that I’ll give you exactly what you asked for this year, in a valuable, non-information-overload way. I’m committed to your success and look forward to 2013 being your best year yet. :)

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0 thoughts on “Survey Results”

  1. The Survey results pretty well reflect my own thoughts on Internet Marketing. Way too much information out there and difficulty to choose the right person, information to focus on and fully commit to. Look forward to reading the great results from your coaching students.

  2. Very interesting. I prefer PDFs. Too much information, unscrupulous marketers, way too much to do to accomplish a small amount, failure, these are exactly what is wrong with internet marketing. It is truly heart breaking to see people try so hard to make this dream come true. Focus, that may be the secret. Then expand. I have terminal cancer, so my dream is gone, but good luck to everyone. Follow Rachel, Tiffany Dow and the people Tiff recommends. Thanks, Rachel

    1. Elizabeth,

      You will be in my prayers. And I believe you can still turn things around… there have been so many people who had “terminal” cancer and were able to flip things around. I can point you to resources if you would like. No matter what, sending you SO MUCH LOVE!!

  3. You know, that's exactly what I've been thinking about. We've had SO MANY applications and I'm having trouble picking just one!!! Email me at rachelreports and we'll get it figured out. <3

  4. You know, that's exactly what I've been thinking about. We've had SO MANY applications and I'm having trouble picking just one!!! Email me at rachelreports and we'll get it figured out. <3

  5. Can we have a condensed cheaper 5k version of your coaching program yes I would ho for it if I had the funds but it's well out of my reach so how about it Rachel ? Mal

  6. Can we have a condensed cheaper 5k version of your coaching program yes I would ho for it if I had the funds but it's well out of my reach so how about it Rachel ? Mal

  7. Can we have a condensed cheaper 5k version of your coaching program yes I would ho for it if I had the funds but it's well out of my reach so how about it Rachel ? Mal

  8. i tend to do most of my training with video, but your poll tells me that I should shake it up a bit.. people have a number of learning modes, and I'm very visual. But the poll really reminds me that everyone isn't the same as me.

  9. i tend to do most of my training with video, but your poll tells me that I should shake it up a bit.. people have a number of learning modes, and I'm very visual. But the poll really reminds me that everyone isn't the same as me.

  10. i tend to do most of my training with video, but your poll tells me that I should shake it up a bit.. people have a number of learning modes, and I'm very visual. But the poll really reminds me that everyone isn't the same as me.

  11. :) Well, I think you can systemize one thing, get it successful and make a system out of it, then go on to the next thing.

    Like I have 40 Kindle books, but I don't even know all the niches I'm in – I have a system with my amazing team going. And multiple websites, same thing, I don't even know all my sites any more. But they're working.

    But the key is to be SUCCESSFUL with one thing before systemizing and moving on!! <3

  12. :) Well, I think you can systemize one thing, get it successful and make a system out of it, then go on to the next thing.

    Like I have 40 Kindle books, but I don't even know all the niches I'm in – I have a system with my amazing team going. And multiple websites, same thing, I don't even know all my sites any more. But they're working.

    But the key is to be SUCCESSFUL with one thing before systemizing and moving on!! <3

  13. Hey Rachel!

    Instead of focusing on NON-fiction Kindle books, how about focusing on FICTION. Ya, I know there are a lot of people out there that want to write non-fiction, but the methods for ranking them are all pretty similar. Deb and Amy already have killer stuff out there for it, as well as Jay and John, and you too. Why do more of the same? Isn’t that part of our information problem? People think that every time someone comes out with a new Kindle course that it has new information in it. I own just about everything in Deb and Amy’s catalog, a HUGE chunk of John and Jay’s, I have your Kindle course, not to mention Ryan Deiss , Sam England, Bill Platt and James Jones!! Oh, and let’s not forget Daniel Hall and John Kremer!

    Meantime, a good chunk of the methods that are used for non-fiction promotion barely do anything for fiction writers. Look at the keyword research around vampires or romance or paranormal, or westerns even — ugh! Yet Romance accounts for 13% of the entire reading market by itself. Or try getting the word out about your book with the free Kindle pages and the free promo spots like eReaderNewsToday. Hm, no adult themes or content! Did you know that romance books have rules on what they can/can’t be! A happy ending is REQUIRED or you can’t call it a romance. Seriously! We need something aimed at fiction!

    1. Paige, interesting!! I had no idea about that with the romance books needing a happy ending (though truthfully I’m happy about that – hehehe, I HATE sad endings!).

      What exactly would you like? A product specifically for romance? Or for all fiction, and how to promote it? I know Jay + John had something for children’s books, but please, tell me more so I can do my best to serve! :)

  14. Really revealing and useful survey.
    It should not be surprising people choose PDFs as their preferred learning method.
    Think about it. A good PDF production can include over-the-shoulder-screen-shots, blueprints, case-studies, white-board sketches, check-lists etc all in one place which can then be published as a Kindle Book.
    Anything else is a waste of time, effort and money and I for one certainly would not be interested.

  15. Really revealing and useful survey.
    It should not be surprising people choose PDFs as their preferred learning method.
    Think about it. A good PDF production can include over-the-shoulder-screen-shots, blueprints, case-studies, white-board sketches, check-lists etc all in one place which can then be published as a Kindle Book.
    Anything else is a waste of time, effort and money and I for one certainly would not be interested.

  16. hey Rachel. I really recognize this. Info overload and chasing more than one rabbit. I still wonder how others do this. They seem to have multiple websites, do coaching, write Kindle books and all that at the same time. Makes me wonder how in the world they do that.

  17. hey Rachel. I really recognize this. Info overload and chasing more than one rabbit. I still wonder how others do this. They seem to have multiple websites, do coaching, write Kindle books and all that at the same time. Makes me wonder how in the world they do that.

  18. Hi Rachel,

    very interesting survey results, I personally know how difficult it is to break through the barrier and make more than $500 a month, it always seems so difficult to take it to the next level, I am sure your coaching course will be superb.

    Best Wishes

    1. Robert, you’ll get there, I have faith in you!!! :) I am going through applications in a bit – I hope to see yours there!

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