Want to learn how to sell candles from home? I’ve got you covered

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If you’re interested in learning how to sell candles from home, you’ve come to the right place. In this post, I share tips and tricks about how to increase your earnings from home by selling candles. That way, you can start earning passive income and live your best life.

Selling candles is a great way to earn extra income. It can even become a full-time business if you’re passionate about it. The key to success is finding a niche market and creating a unique selling proposition.

Below, I talk more about how to do this along with how to set up shops on popular platforms like Etsy and Amazon.

Let’s get started…

What you need to sell candles from home

A good quality candle

This is probably the most important thing you’ll need. People are willing to pay more for a well-made product that will last. Do your research and find a reputable candle manufacturer that makes candles you would feel proud to sell.

A place to sell your candles

You’ll need to decide where you want to sell your candles. If you only want to work from home with your business, then online selling platforms like Etsy or Amazon are your best options. (I’ll talk more about how to get started selling on each of these platforms a little later on.)

Marketing materials

You will also need something to help people learn about your candles and why they should buy them. This could include a website, social media accounts, business cards, et cetera.

Finding your niche market

The first step to selling candles from home is to find your niche market. This can be done by narrowing down your target audience to a specific group of people. For example, if you love scented candles, you could focus on selling soy candles that are hand-poured and made with essential oils.

Creating a unique selling proposition

Once you’ve found your niche market, it’s time to create a unique selling proposition. This is what will make your candles stand out from the competition.

For example, let’s say you’re selling soy candles that are hand-poured and made with essential oils. Your unique selling proposition could be that your candles are all-natural, eco-friendly, and free from harmful chemicals.

This is just an example, but you get the idea.

Selling on Etsy

Etsy is one of the most popular online selling platforms for handmade goods. If you’re going to sell your candles on Etsy, there are a few things you need to do.

First, you need to create an Etsy account and set up your shop. This is where you’ll list your products and share information about your business. (Etsy has lots of informative step-by-step guides about how to operate a successful Etsy business to help you with this process.)

Once your shop is set up, you’ll need to create listings for your products. This is where you’ll share photos, descriptions, and tags pertaining to your candles.

Finally, you’ll need to promote your shop and drive traffic to it. Etsy has a few different ways to do this, including paid advertising and marketing your shop on social media.

Selling on Amazon

Amazon is another popular online selling platform. Like Etsy, there are a few things you need to do to get started.

First, you need to create an Amazon seller account. Next, you’ll need to create listings for your products. This is similar to Etsy, but there are a few key differences. For example, Amazon allows you to add product videos, which can be a great way to showcase your candles.

Finally, you’ll need to promote your listings and drive traffic to them. You can do things like running Amazon Sponsored Products ads or participating in the Vine Program.

Pricing your products

Now that you know how to start selling candles from home, let’s talk about how to price your products.

When you price your candles, you need to take a few things into consideration, including the cost of materials, time spent making the candles, shipping costs, and any taxes or fees.

You’ll also need to find a balance between pricing your candles too high and pricing them too low. If you price them too high, you might not make any sales. But if you price them too low, you might not make any profits.

A good rule of thumb is to start by doubling the cost of materials and adding $10 for shipping. From there, you can adjust your prices up or down based on what you think is fair.

Finally, don’t forget to factor in any taxes or fees that might apply to your sales.

I hope you enjoyed this post! If you have any other tips or insights you can share about how to sell candles from home, please leave a comment below. Also, if you enjoyed this post, please share it with your friends and followers.

Want to learn how to sell candles from home? I've got you covered

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