What I Do When I Want To Let The World Know About My Product!

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Hellllo! :)

Hope you’re having a great day!

Today’s video is on a question Max Stryker asked. He wanted to know about how Dennis and I launch products once we’ve got some created and ready to sell.

As I mentioned in the video, we don’t do the typical guru “launch” model with high priced products, but of course we do want to build momentum when we launch something new!

If you prefer video, feel free to watch that below. Otherwise I’ll post the main gist of what I talked about under it.

Here’s the video:

Here’s the basics of what I went over:

1. Figure out product we’re going to launch
2. Mention it in Earn1KADay
3. Send out an email to affiliates. Include a discount link for them to buy review copies, give them specifics on mailing out (like if it’s a dimesale), and include email copy for them to copy and paste.
4. Launch product

A few things:

– We almost NEVER launch without giving affiliates lead notice (we want to keep them happy!)

– Since we use Nanacash, affiliates WANT to promote us

Here’s an example email Dennis has sent out:

Hi, folks,

As always, thanks for being an E1KaD affiliate.

Have you promoted our dime sales yet? If not, I have a great one
for you to start with…

… and the rest of you know that you can certainly count on our
values to drive up your commissions every weekend!

This week, I’m combining a Jason Fladlien gem with 4 strong bonuses
that tie in with it, and enhance the value tremendously.

As if the value needed to be enhanced, but still…

I’m talking about “7 MInute Articles”, the product that put Jason
on the map, and still continues to sell on his site for $47.

For the dime sale, people are going to get a huge bargain, plus the
extra bonuses, and they’ll love you for giving them this

If you want to get a preview copy, you can use this link:


The dime sale page is paused right now, so you won’t be able to see
it in your Nanacast affiliate center, but here’s how you can get
your link…

Go into the affiliate center:


And find your affiliate ID, by clicking on “My Account” and on that
page you’ll see your Nanacast Account ID. It will be a 5 digit
number or larger.

Your affiliate link for 7 Minute Articles will be this:


(replace XXXXX with the Nanacast affiliate ID that you determined

The link should be very near the bottom of the page.

And test your link before you send your email, to make sure that
the right product is showing up, and the buy button doesn’t say
that it’s paused, as it will until it’s time to start the dime sale.

Note: If you try to test your link before I unpause the product,
your link won’t work, so don’t be surprised.

You should be able to start promoting this at 9:00 a.m. eastern (New
York) time, Saturday, November 20th.

Here’s the email that I’m sending out if you want to swipe any
part of it (obviously change at least the link to your affiliate
link, if nothing else):

SUBJECT: Dime sale alert:  7 Minute Articles, and tons more!

Hi, folks,

I just started another dime sale, and hopefully you’ll agree that
we’re seriously overdelivering on this one.

For those that don’t want to wait and want the absolute best
price, here it is:


The main piece of this bundle is the original centerpiece to Jason
Fladlien’s empire…

7 Minute Articles

By itself, Jason sells this gem for $47.

But you won’t pay that, and you won’t get it alone.

Included with this bundle are the following bonuses:

Content Speed Writing by Andrew Hanson
Get Paid to Write: Content Speed Blogging
30 Day Bum Marketing Blitz

and last but not least:

Freelance Profit Method, which will show you how to get paid
handsomely for every article that you write.

So learn how to write them fast, and learn how to get cash for what
you write.

I’ll bet if you head over to the page right now, you could get all
of this for less than half the regular price of 7 Minute Articles
alone. Don’t delay too long, the price rises after every sale:


Have a spectacular day!

Dennis Becker, the 5 Buck Guy

P.S. The dime sale will only run through 9 a.m. eastern time,
Saturday, November 27th, so don’t miss this opportunity.


Hope that helps!!! If you have any other questions, leave a comment here!

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0 thoughts on “What I Do When I Want To Let The World Know About My Product!”

  1. WOW – you really over-delivered on this one Rachel.

    Here’s a question for you…

    Do you have a plan or procedure you follow to rank well in the search engines? I’ve done really well with SEO, but my backlinking strategy needs an overhaul.


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