What I’m working on

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Here's what @rachelrofe has going on - it's a LOT! :)I am so excited! Tomorrow Don and I are going to Maui for a week. We get in a day early, then we have some friends coming in tomorrow for a few days of adventure and masterminding. :)

I cannot WAIT to enjoy the infinity salt-water pool from the house we rented!

I’m also excited because I did a bunch of work and planning ahead of time so I could make this as work-free of a vacation as I want. :)

I’m proud about that because I actually have a *ton* of projects going on right now! I’m working on:

  • A “become a bestseller” program (sales letter still needs to be edited a little)
  • A Twitter software that helps you build a massive presence on Twitter (I *love* Twitter! It’s so underrated and my #1 source of traffic.)
  • A software tool that helps people maximize their retargeting efforts – this will be incredible for people who use retargeting
  • InspiredHustle.com – a program that helps you set goals based on how you want to FEEL, then how to actually make those goals happen
  • My new niche site
  • …and everything else, including doing a ton of Pinterest testing, my podcast, my physical products, and all of my normal activities. :)

It sounds like a lot – heck, it IS a lot, especially when I want to make sure I have an awesome life outside of the computer –  but I have lots of systems and strategies in place to make sure I can get a lot done without losing my mind.

Some of my favorite tricks are:

– Making sure my productivity is on point for 4 or so hours every day instead of forcing myself to work *all* day (if you want to learn more on productivity, this is my favorite course)

– Batching tasks together. If I’m working on the bestseller project, for example, I’ll work on that for a few hours before moving on to something else. Focus is very important. Multitasking = a very short path to stress and failure in my opinion.

-Identifying my top 3-5 tasks that need to be done every day and working on those, starting with the hardest first. (For more on this, check out my Huffington Post article.)

– Outsourcing. It’s no secret that I love to hire people who can help make my business run more efficiently. I’ve hired *thousands* of people throughout the years and feel like I have a knack for hiring amazing people who can make my business more profitable. (You can find out more about how I outsource right here.)

I hope this helps. And if you’d like me to address anything in more depth, or have any topic requests you’d like me to cover, let me know! I publish 2 podcasts a week and am always looking for topics that can benefit you. :)

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