Why raw foods + day creation rocks my world, and the split tester I use…

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Just made a quick update video today. I was feeling a little cranky yesterday + this morning, and then I had some delicious soup and re-set out to create my day and instantly felt better.

(And by the way, Otto and I very rarely disagree – haha – feels like I mentioned disagreements in a few videos!)

The soup recipe is at the bottom of this post.

I’m also enclosing a video on my favorite split testing tool! Someone asked me what I use to split test my sales letters so I wanted to show you why Visual Website Optimizer is my favorite!!! (For all non internet marketers, split testing is still a great tool to figure out how to get the most visually compelling websites possible.)

Update video:

Split testing video:

As always, if you have any questions or want me to talk about anything, let me know!!!

Here’s the soup recipe:

About 1 cup Tomatoes (chopped)
1/4 cup raw almonds (soaked) (optional – skins peeled)
l Young Coconut** – Meat and Water
2 Tablespoons purple/Red Onion (chopped)
1 Clove Garlic (medium) (chopped)
1 Tablespoon Barley or Chickpea Miso
2 Tablespoons Protein Powder (Nutritional Essentials Regular)
1 teaspoon Celtic Sea Salt
Handful of Cilantro (optional parsley, spinach or other greens)
1 whole Avocado (medium)

Optional Veggies
– Red bell pepper, carrot, celery, etc.

Optional Spices
– Fresh Jalapeno Pepper, Cumin, Curry, Mexican,  Jamaican, Cayenne Pepper, etc.

Put all ingredients in blender and blend till desired texture about 10 seconds (pulse chop if your blender has this function).  The soup is better if it has some texture so try not to blend it into a puree.

Optional – May heat soup up on very low  temperature until slighly warm.

If you can’t find coconuts you can use almond milk.

If you like this, you’d probably love all the recipes on Lou’s book (again, I get no commission – just spreading the love :))

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0 thoughts on “Why raw foods + day creation rocks my world, and the split tester I use…”

  1. Rachel,

    This was a great update – love the mix of food + business + inevitability strategies.

    You are a product creation rock star, so here’s my question for you:

    1. How do you determine what product you are going to create next and how do you improve your odds that it’s going to be something your prospects and customers are going to buy?

    I’m currently upgrading my process to include more “co-creation” where I work with the customers to refine the product itself before I make it and while I create it (kind of like “agile programming” in the software world). I’d love to hear how you approach this part of your business.


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