Woohoo! No More Internet Marketing Here…

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I just deleted every single Internet Marketing post I have on this blog.

I’m going to put everything I.M. over here from now on… and make this site all about my personal life, experiences, etc.

I think the separation will make posting in both blogs much more enjoyable. :)

(And by the way, how awesome is my new layout? :) )

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0 thoughts on “Woohoo! No More Internet Marketing Here…”

  1. Ok, this explains everything. I was wondering where is the IM stuff.

    Not that I don’t like to read personal blogs, but you know…

    Anyway, I also have a dedicated blog to affiliate marketing. I don’t have any for my personal life though. Just a new blog where I help noobs to start their online biz.


  2. Love the new layout and the new, dedicated IM blog.

    I’d recommend putting a title on your IM Blog. I just subscribed, and my feed reader says “(title unknown)”.

    How my favorite world traveler?


    1. First – thank you!!

      Second – grrrr, whenever I put up a title, it goes on top of my beautiful header and ruins it! Is there a way to not make that happen?

      I’m doing well. Anything new with you Mr. Kelly?

      1. YW.

        To get ride of the text in your title, you could edit the template file and remove that text. (Or, I could do it for you.)

        New? I’m still promoting my InstantInsidersClub.com, and I’m about to use all those great emails you wrote.

        And, I’m launching a new newsletter dedicated to traffic generation tactics.

        And, I’m going to New Orleans for Thanksgiving.

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