6 Reasons why you should create evergreen designs for your print-on-demand business

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Evergreen designs are designs you can sell all year long, not just during certain times of year (in case you were wondering, “What does evergreen mean in design?”). For example, you can only sell a coffee mug that says “Happy Mother’s Day” around Mother’s Day. Conversely, you can sell a mug that says “I love my mom” around Mother’s Day as well as any other time of year. Shoppers may look for mugs that say “I love my mom” for birthday or anniversary gifts, or just because.

Holiday-specific design

Evergreen designs versus seasonal designs

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Evergreen design

Evergreen designs versus seasonal designs

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Holiday-themed designs, like a mug that says “Happy Mother’s Day,” may offer short-term spikes in sales. However, evergreen designs definitely have more advantages. Below, I dive into 6 major reasons why you should prioritize evergreen designs over holiday designs. Plus, I share tips about how to successfully create evergreen designs for your shops.

Let’s take a look…

Here’s why you should create evergreen designs instead of holiday designs

Evergreen designs have year-round sales potential

Holiday-specific designs experience high and low sales periods tied to specific occasions. But evergreen designs offer consistent sales potential year-round. Evergreen designs aren’t restricted by seasons, holidays, and special events. Therefore, they ensure a steady stream of income for your business. Evergreen designs reduce the business risk associated with relying on holiday spikes.

Evergreen designs are a long-term investment

Evergreen designs are a better long-term investment for your print-on-demand business. They have a longer shelf life than holiday-specific designs. And they reduce the need for frequent updates or replacements. This translates to you saving more time and energy in the long run. That way, you can focus on growing your business rather than refreshing your product offerings.

They have a wider target audience

Holiday-specific designs cater to a niche demographic interested in particular occasions, such as…

  • Mother’s Day
  • Christmas
  • Valentine’s Day
  • et cetera

But evergreen designs appeal to a broader audience. Evergreen designs aren’t tied to specific events that not all people may celebrate. So they have universal appeal. They expand your potential customer base. And they increase the likelihood of consistent sales across different demographics.

They have reduced seasonality risks

Overreliance on holiday-specific designs exposes your business to inherent seasonality risks. Sales fluctuations during off-peak seasons can significantly impact your revenue and overall profitability. Evergreen designs offset this risk by providing a consistent source of income that isn’t tied to seasonal fluctuations. This means your business is likely to experience more financial stability rather than high and low sales periods.

You’ll still experience sales fluctuations throughout the year. For example, your sales will always peak during the winter holidays when gift-giving is in overdrive. But having more evergreen designs in your inventory will help to bolster your business’ low sales periods.

Evergreen designs have lower marketing costs

Marketing holiday-specific designs often requires targeted campaigns that are tied to specific occasions. This can result in higher marketing costs. In contrast, evergreen designs require less investment in seasonal marketing efforts. Their year-round relevance lets you focus on broader marketing strategies that promote your business consistently. This results in a more efficient use of your resources and enhanced brand visibility.

They establish brand consistency

Evergreen designs play a crucial role in establishing and maintaining brand consistency. They contribute to building a cohesive brand identity that customers can recognize and resonate with. Aligning your product offerings with your brand’s aesthetic and values can lead to stronger brand loyalty and recognition.

Holiday-specific designs are still valuable for capitalizing on seasonal trends and attracting customers during peak periods. But prioritizing evergreen designs ensures a more stable and sustainable business model. Finding the right balance between evergreen and seasonal designs helps maximize your business’ success. I recommend having 80% evergreen designs and 20% holiday-specific designs.

Tips for creating winning evergreen designs for your POD business

Understand your target audience

The first step in creating winning evergreen designs is understanding your target audience. Take the time to research their preferences, interests, and demographics. What styles, themes, or motifs resonate with them? By gaining insight into your audience’s preferences, you can tailor your designs to better meet their needs and preferences, thus increasing your likelihood of success.

Focus on timeless print on demand niches

When brainstorming design ideas, focus on timeless niches with lasting appeal. Examples of timeless, evergreen niches for print on demand include…

Family and parenting

Create evergreen designs for your print-on-demand business

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Health, wellness, and self-improvement

Create evergreen designs for your print-on-demand business

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Relationships and dating

Create evergreen designs for your print-on-demand business

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Food and cooking 

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Create evergreen designs for your print-on-demand business

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Create evergreen designs for your print-on-demand business

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These niches never go out of style. They are always popular and people are always shopping for items that fall under these niche categories. So avoid overly niche or trend-driven ideas that may quickly lose their popularity. Instead, create designs with lasting appeal across different demographics of shoppers. The best evergreen print on demand designs never go out of style.

Keep your designs simple

Simplicity is key when creating evergreen designs. Aim for clean, uncluttered, text-based designs that are easy to understand at a glance. Avoid too many details or design flourishes that may turn shoppers off of your design. Less is more when it comes to creating evergreen designs.

Use helpful resources to come up with fresh ideas

Over the years, I’ve added a bunch of content to my blog about how to come up with new design ideas, especially during those times when you don’t feel creative. I’ve linked to some of those resources below. As a member of LHS, use them for inspiration when you’re in a creative rut — or any other time you’re in design-creation mode!

Use my Master List to turn one design into many

I also highly recommend using my Master List to turn one evergreen design into hundreds. You do this by creating a design template such as “_____ are my absolute favorite!” Then, you plug a bunch of different words into the blank space.

You could add all different kinds of animals — for example, “Chihuahuas are my absolute favorite.” You could add professions: “Yoga teachers are my absolute favorite.” Or you could do something like “People from Kansas are my absolute favorite” or “Bass players are my absolute favorite.” See how quickly and easily you can turn one design into many?

Check out my evergreen niches list here. It includes 21 unique niche categories that can majorly help you scale your design creation process.

I hope you find this post about why you should create evergreen designs useful. If you have any other insights you’d like to share, please leave a comment below. And if you enjoyed this post, please share it with your friends and followers. 

Why you should sell evergreen products
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